38. A Busy Week

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The week following the meeting with Thomas Auburn and General Gray, and Michael Mercer's declaration of war against Jomica was a really busy one for us. We had meetings. We searched for more information. We had meetings. We sat outside houses in the middle of the night to watch their residents. We had meetings. We went through hundreds of hours' worth of intel...

And we had fucking meetings. I lost count of how many meetings we could have in one week, and I definitely lost count on all the people we had to meet. The amount of information I had to store in my head was ridiculous. The amount of thinking I had to do was giving me both headaches and sleepless nights.

I just wanted to stick my knife into people...

I was so grateful for Reid during that week. He kept me sane by letting me train with him twice a day. It felt really good to get to kick and hit things – mostly his padded hands – so all that intel stuff was easier to bear. It was also great because I could feel myself grow stronger with each passing day. After a week, I didn't feel rusty at all anymore. There was no slack in my hits. My body obeyed me like a fine-tuned machine... It just felt so goddamn good to work out again. And now I got to train with the fucking Gambit, the guy I'd heard heroic tales about for years.

And sure... No matter how annoying all these preparations and meetings and plannings and gathering intel was, it was an actual rescue mission, and a huge one at that. And Captain was slowly learning to treat me like a full member, not just a weak little intern. He was even letting me join on the infiltration part of this mission as well. Meaning I was finally let to show everyone what I could do.

If there would be a chance, that is...

The thing was that we needed to strike into two different locations at the same time: the enemy's main base, and the location where they held the omegas as captive. Saving the omegas was our priority, but if we attacked their location only, we would lose the main base, or at least taking it down would be much, much harder since they would know to expect us.

I understood why it was important to get those two locations at the same time, but as the days went by, and we were still creating different plans in case one of them would finally suit our needs, I and everyone else were getting restless.

We all wanted to save those omegas. They were suffering in the hands of True Order supporters, and we all knew what they were forced to go through. I guess that was the reason I was growing so annoyed and angry about the meetings. While we sat in our nice meeting rooms, tossing ideas around, those omegas were being abused in sick, horrible ways.

But even I understood we couldn't just barge in...

Thomas had provided us with a map he'd drawn out of memory, and all the details he could remember about the building and its surroundings. If we barged in, the enemy had plenty of time to kill those omegas, and Thomas was certain it would be the first thing those bastards would do. No matter how fast we could strike, they would still have several minutes at their disposal.

So... The omegas had to keep suffering until we were ready, or they would die.

But when were we going to be ready...?

That week also brought new challenges no one had anticipated, when the normally quiet and peaceful looter clans suddenly decided to rise up and raid one of the governor's tiny house neighborhoods, Clover Hill. Those clans had always been a bit of a menace to society by robbing stores and individual houses, sure, but in recent years, they hadn't done anything this big in our state. And what made this particular raid such a big problem was that Clover Hill... was where Michael Mercer's now burned house was located.

It was safe to say that the mafia was... unhappy. They saw the attack as a personal attack against them, and according to our intel, it wasn't far off.

The mafia wasn't the only angry party in this mess. Governor Morgan was absolutely fuming because that neighborhood with its hundred small houses was one of her biggest personal accomplishments. The tiny house villages were her babies, built and maintained with her family's money to reduce homelessness in our semi-dystopian state. Those villages were also important to the civilians. They were beacons of hope, a glimpse of a better future, and now the looters had desecrated that hope by raiding one of the oldest of those villages.

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