I Found God On The Corner Of First In Amistad

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"Me."That was the last thing Frank had said before going absolutely silent the rest of the time I had left in school.

But that had made me think that maybe I never ran into Frank, that maybe running into him was like when I heard him and saw him in the classroom, all a hallucination.

And when the bell rang, I said my goodbyes to Gerard and went in my lonely way, walking down the sidewalk alone, the rain was gone, but some dark clouds still lingered, separating parts of the perfect blue sky.

I watched the sky as I walked, watching the clouds dissipate and float away, showing the blue sky before I bumped into something and looked at the sky from the cold concrete.

A face appeared in my line of sight, a face that I only became familiar with for the second time today.

"We need to stop meeting like this." Frank said, a smirk on his face.

I sat up slowly, groaning as I did so and stood up, looking at him eye to eye.

He was wearing something different than early today. He wore a faded Misfits t shirt, black skinny jeans, red converse and the same skeleton gloves as before. His skin also looked paler than before, almost ghostly white.

"What do you want, Frank?"

"I see you remembered my name. I don't want anything, I was just going for a walk, that's all."

"Oh..." I said, embarrassed for my lack of consideration and quick accusation.

"Would you like to walk with me?"

I shook my head. "No thanks, I need to get home, my mother's expecting me." I lied to him.

My mother wasn't expecting me, she wasn't even home. She was at work until 3am, working as a nurse.

"No she's not." He said softly, almost quiet enough for me not to hear.

"What?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Nothing. I guess I'll see you around then." He said, walking past me.

"Yeah..." I said awkwardly as I watched him walk away,disappearing as he walked around the corner of a building.

I continued walking home, examining my surroundings as I made it to my house.

I unlocked the door, closing it behind me, locking it as I set my bag down on the floor. I climbed the stairs to my room and changed into some sweatpants and a t shirt before taking a seat on my bed and going on my laptop.

There was a sudden crash coming from downstairs, causing me to freeze in fear. Then another crash echoed as I ran to my closet and pulled out my old metal baseball bat before rushing into the hallway to see an intruder.

I swung the bat, aiming for his head. I close my eyes mid-swing, not feeling th bat hit anything. I opened my eyes and took another swing, the bat going through the intruder's head, Frank's head.

I dropped the bat in shock at the fact that he still stood there, unfazed by the fact that the bat went through his head, as if he was a hologram.

Without any first word to say, I pushed his shoulder, my fingers pressing against his cold shoulder. Shocked, I touched his face, pinching his cheeks and cold skin.

He was solid, but only a few minutes ago, he wasn't. He flashed me a quick smile before grabbing my wrists and removing my hands from his face.

"What? What are you doing here?" I stuttered, his fingers still wrapped around my wrists.

He realized and let go of me. He ran his hand through his hair and looked down at his feet as he kicked the floor with the toe of his converse.

"Why are you here? What is wrong with you?" He stayed silent. "Answer me, Frank. Now."

While You Were Sleeping [Frank Iero]Where stories live. Discover now