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Story continue

So as she came back from school she talked with radhika and make her understand about the things like he is good guy she is just admiring him more he is just a crush nothing else also a good friend who helped her in hospital so that she don't feel low

At evening after attending her tution class she just went to wash her face also thought to change her dress when she up her hands to remove the t shirt suddenly the scab fall down and ya she felt it for sure
Ridhu- mummy can you please come
Mum- what
She saw her back and watched there is no scab over that and some liquid is flowing out like pus
Mum- oh what's that now I think it's pus
Ridhu- oh but how it happened cause doctor already told to not use Dettol then how can infection happen
Cause if it's going to happen they must told us that do clean it
Dadi- it's common beta and you can go tommorow for checkup for now take dinner and sleep well
Ridhu-oh again holiday I don't want to take my work will get miss
Dadi- work is not important than you just forget that
Ridhu- ya ya
Mum- ya I will take her let her say whatever

As this night get over

In morning
Mum- ridhu-get up you have to go hospital today
Ridhu- its only 5 am why this early
Mum- you know it's very far
Ridhu- ya
Mum- do you want to bath or after coming back
Ridhu-of course right now
Mum- okk go then .
Time skips to direct at hospital entrance

Ridhu- oh my god there is so much rush
Mum- ya cause from every where people come here
Ridhu- see there is derma department but we don't have appointment for today
Mum- don't worry I will talk to doctor
Ridhu- ya ya for sure
They went towards the door and see doctor coming out for some work
Mum- dr.kanika
Dr Kanika - yes
Mum- actually she has some issues and on short note her biopsy area is not getting cure
Dr Kanika- do she have appointment for this
Mum- no actually we didn't get this early at night only we decided
Dr Kanika- okk no problem I will call her in between
Mum- thanks for that mam
She come back to Ridhima and told her same

At around 12 Dr Kanika came out and called them Inside
When Ridhima came inside she saw Dr Kanika and on the junior resident seat as dr vansh then she noticed that he didn't notice her his head was down
She went to his table and stand infront
Ridhu- suprise suprise
Dr v-oh you wait but you have to come on 15 September na
Ridhu- ya but I have some issues that is why came today
Dr Kanika- done with talking and why your mamma didn't come in
Ridhu- ya done and mummy is just coming taking bag
Dr Kanika- so you are talking which means have bonded with him but your resident was Aangre right?
Ridhu- ya actually I bonded with everyone
Dr Kanika- strange you both are not that open friendly i guess
Ridhu- for me too strange what about your opinion mr doctor
Dr v- i guess it's as well as strange for me too cutie
Dr Kanika- oh so nicknames are given too well it's good as you both should be a little bit of open so that when there is so much stress is going on in life then you both can share 💕 to lessen pain
Ridhu- well I think it's true
Dr v-oh ya me too .
Mum- what's true
Ridhu- nothing
Dr Kanika-well what's the matter?
Ridhu- actually my biopsy region is not healing and also have pus
Dr Kanika- let me see
They went in room (all)
She watched all things and also at end said that antibiotics are needed and when are your exams
Ridhu- they will start on 15 September and will end on 26 September
Mum- mam don't you think antibiotics are so much used before
Dr Kanika- but we can't give other than antibiotics as it's important for getting pus cured well show me your date sheet
Ridhu- okk no problem in that if it's fine see here is date sheet
Dr Kanika- ya it's fine don't worry as steroids are on and ya come on 22 September you don't have exam and also
Ridhu-ok so she'll we go now
Dr Kanika- ya
Ridhu- bye mam bye dr vansh

They went out

That's all for today
Your author vj ~•••

Miss cutie and her mr. Doctor  Where stories live. Discover now