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It was pure darkness you couldn't see anything
"What just happened?" You say a little scared
"The lights went out" Walker replies
"I can see that seaweed brain. I mean why did it happen" You roll your eyes
Dior grabs her phone and turns on her flashlight
Everyone stands up and Walker puts his arm around you because he can tell you're scared
"Why did the power go out?" You ask Dior as she was looking at the news on her phone
"There was a power outage for 10 miles. It could be out for...8 HOURS!" Dior says
"8 hours?? Why??" You say as Walker hugs you tighter
"The thunderstorm outside. With the lightning and everything the power went out." Aryan says now looking at his phone too
"Are we safe??" You say scared
"Of course we are!" Walker reassures you

" Aryan says now looking at his phone too"Are we safe??" You say scared"Of course we are!" Walker reassures you

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Suddenly your phone rang (which kind of freaked you out because it was so loud)

You all were getting frantic calls from your parents. When you hung up with your mom Taylor called

Taylor 💖
Haha don't worry! I'm fine!
It's a little scary because it's
dark but we are safe
Do you have flashlights?
Candles? Food? Water?
Umm I think we have like
two flashlights. I don't
know about candles.
We definitely have food.
I think we have water.
And yes! Lots of blankets
Okay. And you're with everyone?
You're not alone right?
Yup! We were playing
monopoly when it happened
so we are all together
Alright. Well...keep me updated okay?
Don't leave me making up fake scenarios
of why you're not texting me okay?
Haha of course I will Taylor!
Love you angel! Stay safe!
Love you too! And I will!
"What are we gonna do?" You ask them as you hang up the phone
"I don't know but dont be scared you wimp" Walker shrugged
"Well how could I be with your reassuring words" you roll your eyes
"I'm hungry" You say as you walk over to the fridge
"DONT OPEN THAT!" everyone yells at you
"Why??" You pout
"Because you don't wanna let the cold air out or the food will go bad" Walker explains
"But! But if I don't eat it could be fatal!" You exclaim
"You're not gonna die" Walker rolls his eyes
"I meant fatal for you!" You yell at him
"Here eat this" Walker throws bag of chocolate that was behind the couch at you
"Ow!" You whine because it hit you in the head
"Eat that...and learn how to catch" Walker says sarcastically
"How about you learn how to throw" You reply picking the bag up off the floor
"Where did this come from? The chocolate fairy?" You ask as your eyes light up
"I know you always get hungry at like 2 am so i brought this with me to give to you then" He explained
"You brought this all the way from home?" You ask so happy he loves you that much
"Yeah" He blushes
"I love you so much!" You kiss him
"I love you too! But i only got it because i didn't want you to make me get you Taco Bell" He lies
"Whatever" you roll your eyes
You sit down on the floor and open the bag
"How much longer do they think it will be until the storm clears up?" Walker asks trying to grab a chocolate from you
"Eat my chocolate and you won't live to see the storm end" you jokingly threaten
"Fine let me starve" Walker complains dramatically
"Whatever! But just one you big cry baby!" You hand him one
Charlie turned on the fire and everyone sat in front of it because it was the only light you had
Suddenly you scream
"What?!" Eveyone says in unison because you freaked them out
"My phone died!" You say horrified
"Are you serious?! That's why you screamed?" Walker asks annoyed
"Yes! What am I gonna do?!" You say still freaking out
"I don't know. Enjoy looking at your gorgeous boyfriend in real life" Walker jokes
"Who is that?" You say like you don't know
"Very funny. I guess someone doesn't wanna use my phone" Walker mocks holding his phone out of reach
"Ooo!! I'm sorry! Gimme" You say trying to take it but he moves it farther away from you
"And?" He says
"And you are my gorgeous boyfriend and I'm lucky to have you" You roll your eyes
"Hmmm doesn't seem very sincere. What do you think guys?" he jokes
"Shut up and give it to me!" You say as you snatch it from him
He just laughs and stands up. He comes back with a cozy blanket and lays it on top of you. You lay your head in his lap as he looks down at you sweetly. Moving the hair out of your face.
"I love you so much" He says lovingly
"I love you too seaweed brain" you reply as he kisses you
It was about 30 minutes later
"Noooooooo!" You whine
"What happened?" Walker asks you
"Your phone died" You pout
"Yeah mine is only 5% now" Dior says putting her phone down
"Yeah same" Charlie adds
"I win! Mine is 15%!" Aryan gloats
You just jokingly glare at him
"Well we will have to do something else I guess" Walker shrugs
"Like what?" You ask still pouting
"I don't know...Oooo!! How about we take turns telling scary stories" Walker suggests
"Noooo! Last time you gave me nightmares!" You complain
"Oh come on! It's perfect! Scary stories by the fire in a power outage! Doesn't it sounds fun?" He says trying to convince you
"It sounds like a horror movie" you reply
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssseeeeeee" Walker whines in a really annoying voice
"Ugh fine! I hate you!" You roll your eyes
"Yay! Now who wants to start?" Walker asks very happily
"I don't wanna freak y/n out" Dior says sweetly
"Whatever I'll go first" Walker rolls his eyes
He clears his throat and starts
"In the heart of a remote town, an ominous hotel loomed over the landscape, its windows like empty eyes watching the unsuspecting passersby. Five teenagers, seeking adventure on a dare, checked into the hotel for a night of thrills. But as darkness descended and a storm brewed outside, they soon realized they were not alone.

Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱Where stories live. Discover now