New neighbor | KTH

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The doorbell's shrill ring shattered the afternoon quiet, pulling you away from the daydream where you were frolicking on a beach with castles made of seashells. Bounding to the door, your heart hammered against your ribs like a hummingbird's wings. Today was the day! Your new neighbor was finally moving in, and you, Park Y/N, a 19 years old innocent and naive soul, were determined to make the warmest welcome.

Mom, ever the enthusiast for "looking your best," had insisted on this outfit. The crimson dress clung to your curves, embarrassingly short and far too sparkly for a simple introduction. You fidgeted with the thin straps, feeling exposed and a little out of place, but Mom's smile had been so bright, you couldn't bring yourself to argue.

Taking a deep breath, you smoothed the skirt and plastered on a smile as wide as the sunshine. With a shaky hand, you opened the door.

There, bathed in the warm glow of the doorway, stood a vision. A man, easily in his early thirties, towered over you. His dark hair, slightly tousled, framed a face sculpted by the gods themselves. Deep brown eyes, warm and crinkled at the corners, held a hint of amusement as they took in your appearance. He was handsome in a way that made your breath catch - sharp jawline, broad shoulders straining against a crisp white shirt, and a smile that could melt glaciers.

For a moment, you were speechless, frozen under the intensity of his gaze. Then, a slow smile tugged at the corner of his lips, banishing any awkwardness that might have lingered.

"Hello there," his voice was a rich baritone, smooth as velvet. "You must be my new neighbor. Welcome!"

The sound of his voice snapped you out of your trance. "Y-yes! I'm Park Y/N, from next door. And this is... a little welcome gift." You thrust a basket overflowing with homemade cookies - a chaotic mix of shapes and colors, a reflection of your own personality - towards him.

His eyes crinkled further at the sight. "Homemade cookies, how kind of you! Come in, come in. Let's not stand on ceremony." He ushered you inside, the scent of fresh paint and new furniture filling your senses.

The living room was sparsely furnished, but the sunlight streaming through the window lent it a warm, inviting air. He gestured towards a plush armchair. "Please, have a seat. Can I offer you something to drink? We have some chilled lemonade, or perhaps some iced tea?"

Hesitantly, you perched on the edge of the chair. "Lemonade, please," you whispered, feeling a blush creep up your neck.

He disappeared into the kitchen, reappearing moments later with a tall glass of ice-cold lemonade. As he handed it to you, his fingers brushed against yours, sending a jolt of electricity through your arm. You stammered a thank you, the sweetness of the drink suddenly overshadowed by the flutters in your stomach.

Settling onto the plush couch, you felt a delightful nervousness bubble in your stomach. Taehyung, with a name that rolled off your tongue like warm honey, perched himself on the opposite end. His presence filled the room with a quiet energy that made your heart hum a happy tune.

"So," he began, a smile playing on his lips, "tell me about this love affair with baking." His voice was a rich baritone, smooth as melted chocolate, and it sent shivers down your spine in the most delightful way.

You practically bounced in your seat, excitement bubbling over. "Oh, it's the best ever! I love the way the kitchen smells when the cookies are baking, all warm and gooey. Like a giant hug!" You giggled, the sound tinkling like wind chimes.

Taehyung chuckled, the sound deep and warm. "A hug you can eat, huh? Sounds fantastic!" He leaned back, his eyes crinkling at the corners as he studied you. "So, what's your ultimate baking dream? A bakery with a million different cookies?"

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