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(Guys my dumbass got names mixed up so I changed the betas name to Brant)

Aviana's POV:

I woke up to horrible, putrid stench.

I was sore all over. My arms aches, my legs so sore I could barely move them, a burning sensation in my neck.

I slowly peel open my eyes, sensitive to the light even though the room was only illuminated by a single bulb hanging in the middle of the room.

I groan, trying to move, only to be stopped and hear loud metal clanging.

I look down to see my ankles and wrists covered in metal bands with with heavy metal chains attached.

What the fuck? What happened?


The memories start to flood my memory.

The attack.

The bunker.


Oh my god. My stalker.

It was Brant, the Beta.

Tears pool in my eyes as I realize that my mates probably have no idea where I am. Will they ever find me? Will I be stuck down here forever?

I cry out in agony. The pain increasing, both in my body and in my heart. I'll probably never heal. Or ever get saved.

I was snapped back to reality when I hear loud, heavy steps coming towards me.

I snap my head up in fear, awaiting my fate.

The door slams open to reveal Satan himself.


I glare at him through my tears while he smiles almost gently back at me.

"Hi baby," he says. I don't reply, to scared of him to risk speaking.

"How are you feeling? I gave you bit too much and you've been knocked out for 2 days now. I was really worried about you." Huh. He almost sounds concerned.

I wish I had the strength to laugh.

"I asked you a question, baby."

"Are you gonna kill me?" I ask simply. I don't wanna deal with this small talk shit. If I'm gonna die I might as well be prepared.

He looks appalled I even asked him the question.

"What? I would never kill you, I love you." What the fuck is wrong with this guy.

So I asked him. Probably not the best move.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

He practically flew over to me before slamming his hands in either side of my head.

Yeah, definitely not the best move.

He growls, trailing his nose up my neck, leaving what feels like a trail of fire where he touched me.

"Watch the attitude. You should be thanking me anyway, I saved you."

"By kidnapping me from the men I love? That's saving me?"

He chuckles while looking me in the eyes.

"You're so naive." He smiles at me.

I tilt my head. "What do you mean?"

"They were only using you," he replies simply.

I laugh. He's trying to manipulate me.

His smile drops. "Why are you laughing?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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