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As my heart shakes every time life becomes so hard I envy the freedom of the dead

It's okay...

Being inactive, feeling passive, letting life pass me by as if I was only a witness

Baby girl, it's okay...

I got lost no more fuel to drive me what was it I wonder that motivated me?

Shhh, it's okay....

It's scary I don't want to feel this, to feel an unjust and ungrateful resentment whenever I can't have my way

No, don't think it's okay...

But if I don't think, I won't feel.
Won't I go back to being whomever I was fighting? Whereas their lives seems to be a prayer come true while mine still lags behind. I want to let go and be the evil that wishes sorrows

Please don't worry it's okay...

That is all I know, all I can say, all I whisper to myself whenever depression drives me mad, makes me jealous

It's okay.

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