Chapter 32

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We're close to another city, which is good since it's raining. It isn't raining bad though. My feet are now muddy. Pa would be very sad if he saw me walking around in the wilderness with no shoes, wearing weird contraptions and soaking wet. Ma would be horrified. I probably would be too, good thing there's nothing here where I could see my reflection. I look crazy.

"Do you want to meet my parents?"

"If it helps me get unicorns."

"If they really like you, they'll give you a few unicorns. They would probably give you two just because you're helping me."

"Then yes."

"That'll make it less weird at our hands' wedding."

"You're obsessed."

"I am."

"Then what? We will live together, forever holding hands?"

"Sounds like the dream life."

He scrunches his face. "No."

"Keep your wrong opinions to yourself."

He pushes me off the lonely street we're walking on that is connected to the city. I stumble over my feet as he pulls me up before I could fall over. A really, really big, white car goes past us. It makes a loud honk or something. Humans have the weirdest inventions.

He pulls me along. The city is loud and there's so many humans walking around. It is busier and bigger than the last one.

"Are you scared?"

He shakes his head.

"Then why are you so close to me?"

"I'm cold?"

"With all the clothes you're wearing?"

"You're cold?"

He's adorable. I swing our arms back and forth. I'll dislocate his shoulder before he dislocates mine.

"We should go to a store and find honey."

"You need to wear boots."

"No, we both should be barefoot and wear our hoods. Be mysterious."

"They'll think we're crazy."

"That is for them to think and for us to not worry about."

It would be nice to wear the stupid boots since my hands hurt from carrying them, but my feet are too muddy and wet. Better not get a cut, scrape, bruise or infection from the garbage or anything else.

He puts his hood on. I put mine on and try to fold my stupidly big ears into it. This is why I don't wear hoods.

"Do I look normal?"

He faces me before nodding.


"Magic clothes."

"That's so cool. What happened to your other jacket that your other persona wore?"

"Buried it," he mutters as he takes off his boots.

I didn't actually believe he would go along with my random idea. I wasn't serious but this will be more fun. We probably look dumb.

Once officially in the city, I drag him with me to find a store. These buildings are vaguely similar to the other city but less color and they're closer.

"The ugly buildings are hugging."

"If you say so."

"I do."

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