▒117▒ 🔸Whispers Among Roses 🔸

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On the other side of the capital, in Amoria Palace..

Grand Duchess Diana is searching desperately for her husband, Grand Duke Audrian de Castillo. Despite their breakfast together, she hasn't seen him since..

He wasn't in his office room, his chambers, the portrait room, and even his beloved art studio, she searched everywhere but found no sign of him. The butler informed her that he hadn't returned after his morning outing, adding to her worry as she continued her search..

A sudden thought struck to Grand Duchess Diana, and she hurried towards the Amoria Rose garden. The vast garden stretched out before her, filled with towering Amoria rose plants, their deep crimson petals with a mix of dark black petals swaying gently in the breeze. The air was heavy with the sweet scent and strong mana of the roses, enveloping her in an embrace as she searched..

Finally, her keen eyes spotted a figure amidst the sea of roses..

Grand Duke Audrian lay peacefully among the vibrant blooms, his form bathed in dappled sunlight filtering through the foliage. The sight was a breathtaking contrast of vibrant colors and serene beauty, a scene that seemed almost surreal in its perfection.

With a sense of relief washing over her, the Grand Duchess hurried to her husband's side, the soft petals of the roses brushing against her skin as she approached. She knelt beside him, her hand reaching out to gently touch his forehead...

She whispered softly, her voice barely more than a breath.
"What are you doing out here all alone?"

But there was no response from the grand duke, his eyes closed in peaceful slumber amidst the beauty of the Amoria Rose garden.

The Duchess sighed looking at the Grand duke's sleeping face, then she noticed something remarkable. The surrounding Amoria roses glowed vividly around the Grand Duke. She hadn't noticed before due to the bright day, but now, sitting before them, she could feel their strong mana and witness their radiant glow.

With a sad smile, the Duchess addressed her husband,

"You've come here for memories again, haven't you?"
She gently stroked his hair, urging him to awaken from his reverie and return to reality.
"Wake up now dear..."

As the Duchess watched her husband, Audrian, sleeping peacefully amidst the radiant glow of the Amoria roses, a wave of sadness washed over her. She understood all too well why he sought refuge in this garden time and time again. Because, it was a place of memories, both cherished and bittersweet.

There was a secret about the Amoria Roses, known only to the heir and head of the Castillo family, and Diana was privy to it as Audrian's wife.

Amoria Rose has Memories..

These roses held the extraordinary ability to store memories, to preserve moments from the past, and unveil them to those who sought solace within their midst.

The Amoria rose is like a magic memory box. It holds onto your memories, even the ones you thought were lost in time. Whenever you sleep near these roses, they have the power to bring those memories back to life, as clear as if they happened yesterday. It's like watching your life story unfold right before your eyes, with all the joys and sorrows laid out like petals in a garden.

Audrian had come here for the memories once more, Diana knows. Memories of their child, the one they had lost but never forgotten.
Whenever Audrian felt overwhelmed or restless, he would retreat to this garden, delving deep into the memories that lingered among the Amoria Roses.

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