Beginnings are Always Sudden

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This month's chapter.

Well... it's finally time for some action!!

- Kazuhiro Kasami


December 8, 1751

Kintavr Base, southern tip of the Yetisk Empire

In the early hours before dawn, at the Kintavr Base, which borders the Yetisk Empire and the Neutrine Empire (located near the old world Kharkiv), Anatoly Arven, a radio wave detector surveillance officer, was staring at the radar screen while trying to stave off sleep.

"Motherfuckers... They always make me stay up like this even though there's no idiot foolish enough to invade our country..."

"Hey!" chided his senior, a Minotaur woman named Diana Ibragimov, as she heard him complaining. "Don't waste your breath. It's because we're keeping watch like this that no country dares to lay a finger on ours. Don't forget we have the Emperor and his adored subjects standing behind us, okay?"

Despite her words, Anatoly couldn't shake off his drowsiness. Still, compared to the surveillance officers outside, being able to work indoors with heating was considerably better, and considering they could make a living this way, Diana's point might have been valid. Moreover, Anatoly hadn't forgotten to steal glances at the ample and swaying chest of his beautiful senior sitting next to him. It was quite a sight to behold.

However, it's said that a man's glance is akin to a stare for a woman, and Diana easily caught him in the act.

"Hey, if you're going to look, focus on the screen, not my chest. Control yourself, or I'll get angry, okay?"

"Fiineee... But, this radar can even detect artillery shells like howitzers and Pooshkas, you know? And if anything shows up, we'll know it right away."

"Goodness... just look at it a little bit, get it?"

"Hehe, sorry."

The Yetisk Empire had already succeeded in creating radar systems comparable to those of the late stages of the US and British forces during the Great War, capable of tracking trajectories of shells ranging from 15 cm to 20 cm. During the initial implementation, it was a groundbreaking achievement to be able to track not only a battleship's 38 cm shells but also a cruiser's 15,5 cm shells. Moreover, while the detection range for older models was limited to 300 km for anti-aircraft purposes, it has now been extended to 400 km. An increase of 100 km in detection range meant that early detection of enemies was possible, providing the time needed for countermeasures. On the battlefield, no amount of time for early response is ever enough.

"Well, I doubt there are any fools foolish enough to attack us, especially during the harsh winter season that just began, don't you think...?"

When Diana's expression stiffened, Anatoly glanced at the screen to find it had turned completely white.

"W-what's this!? A malfunction!?"

"What are you talking about!? We did routine maintenance just three days ago! It can't break down so easily..."

At that moment, Diana realized that someone might be jamming the radio waves. Therefore, she quickly grabbed the microphone.

"Alert!! Alert!! This is the radar surveillance room! An anomaly has occurred on the radar! All personnel, take your positions immediately! Air units, ascend and begin reconnaissance! This is not a drill! I repeat, this is not a drill!"

Normally, the protocol would dictate going through superiors, but if it was an invasion by an enemy with advanced capabilities, following procedures might be too late. With the terrifying possibility sinking in, Diana intended to respond as soon as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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