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"We'll catch up soon, okay?" Dream's eyes sparkled with hope as the rest of the group nodded in agreement. I offered a gentle smile, feeling a hint of awkwardness as I absentmindedly rubbed my arm. Glancing at Error, he shrugged nonchalantly and discreetly moved aside, granting us a moment of privacy.

"Honestly, I'm at a loss." I confessed reluctantly, meeting the group's gaze with a heavy heart. Their expressions mirrored my own inner turmoil, a shared sadness palpable in the air. With a resigned sigh, I acknowledged the daunting truth: I was caught between conflicting desires, torn by the fear that any decision I made would come at a cost, leaving devastation in its wake. Yet, the thought of not choosing at all weighed heavily on me, knowing that inaction would ultimately lead to loss on both fronts.

"Well," Dream began, his words tinged with awkwardness as he searched for the right way to express his offer. "If returning isn't what you're looking for, we've got an alternative. A sanctuary, really. It's secure, and you'll find yourself surrounded by companions." As he spoke, a wave of melancholy washed over me, the weight of my decision pressing down. "I'm certain Frisk would be thrilled to call you a friend as well."

"I'll give it some consideration." With a bittersweet smile, I embraced Ink, Dream, and Blue, feeling the warmth of their friendship envelop me. Then, turning to Fresh, I extended my hand for a handshake, realizing with a pang of guilt that his presence had slipped my mind amidst the whirlwind of emotions.

"I'm staking my claim on next hangout, broski." I chuckled, feeling a playful camaraderie as we shook hands. A whoopee cushion let out a comical farting noise, prompting laughter from both of us and adding an unexpected twist to our farewell. With smiles lingering on our faces, we exchanged final goodbyes, already anticipating the laughter and fun of our future get-together.

"Take care, everyone." With a wistful smile, I offered a wave to my friends as Error conjured a shimmering portal before us. With a shared glance of determination, we moved forward, each step carrying us closer to the unknown adventures awaiting us on the other side.

"Y/N!" Dream's voice pierced the air, urgent and panicked. "Take cover!" With a surge of dread, obsidian tendrils erupted from the ground, ensnaring both Error and me in their inky grasp. A wave of terror crashed over me as the dark tendrils coiled around my limbs, constricting and pulling me towards the swirling vortex with relentless force. Desperation fueled my struggle against the suffocating darkness, but it seemed futile against the overwhelming power of the unknown.

"Damn it! Hold tight, we're on our way!"

"Welcome, my Midnight Angel," Nightmare's velvety voice echoed through the air, wrapping us in an eerie embrace as we were abruptly transported into a grandiose Victorian-style office chamber. The room exuded an aura of darkness and sophistication, with intricate woodwork adorning the walls and antique furnishings lending an air of mystique to the surroundings.

"Stop!" Dream's anguished cry reverberated through the chamber, shattering the air with its desperation as the portal mercilessly sealed shut, leaving him stranded on the other side, separated from us by an impenetrable barrier of energy.

"Just a moment, my cherished Angel," Nightmare's voice dripped with venomous authority, his tone commanding attention as he intercepted our escape attempt. "I have an urgent matter to attend to with my subordinate." With deliberate care, he guided me towards a gleaming glass orb, its surface shimmering with an ominous glow. With a swift motion, he lowered me into its depths, sealing me inside with a lid of unknown purpose, leaving me ensnared within its eerie confines.

"No! Nightmare!? Error?! Please, don't harm him! Please, Nightmare!" My desperate pleas echoed within the confines of the opaque orb, its surface offering stubborn resistance to my cries and futile attempts to break free. Each strike against the unyielding glass met with an echoing thud of despair, amplifying the sense of helplessness as I was trapped, unable to intervene as events unfolded beyond my reach.

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