theory 1 CONTINUED

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So, here is another thing about the autism theory. I know I keep babbling on, but it's a thing I'm genuinely curious about now.

First, at times I'm accidentally blunt and rude when I'm not intending to. I know anyone can do this, but I do it so often, as often as an autistic person would. 

Another thing is like I said before, I struggle severely with social interactions. My parents think it is a serious problem that I'm not as social as my brothers. I'm extremely timid around people and whenever I try to talk, all that comes out is a quiet whisper since I'm super shy.

Whenever I am having a conversation with my friends, I sometimes stop talking entirely because I have no idea how to keep it going. I have to rely on other people to keep it going so I can keep talking. Usually, I am a chatterbox, but at times, it's a no go.

Now, if people yell at me, I get a panic attack. As a sensitive person, I feel betrayed whenever someone yells at me. Like, I get genuinely upset and I start to cry because of it.

And yeah, that's about it. At my yearly checkup, I gotta talk to my doctor about this if my parents will let me. But they don't believe I'm autistic, meanwhile I'm just curious. Like I said, I have ADHD but I don't know about autism.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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