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I just can't stop laughing. There are tears in my eyes from it.  When I finally catch my breath,  again, I immediately start laughing again, and the same thing happens to Finn. I don't even really know why we are laughing, but we both can't seem to stop.

 It is making me forget the whole William thing for a while. When I arrived at the library, I kind of wanted to tell Finn about it, but then I decided not to.

 I know what he would have said: "Tell the director." or something like that. But that is the thing: If I tell the director about this, William will get in trouble, and if that happens, I seriously don't know what would happen to me. I am just too scared of William.

 I try not to think about William right now because I am having such a good time with Finn. It's weird how long it has been since I have laughed like this. I seriously can't recall the last time. I never talk with people at school, not even my roommates. My roommates just ignore my presence, and I am thankful for that because I would rather be ignored than bullied, and that is precisely what happens with my classmates or people in general at this school.

  I wish they would just pretend I did not exist. I don't have a problem with being lonely, but it is pretty hard to ignore harsh comments from almost everyone every single day.

Regarding that, this afternoon with Finn in the library is a lovely change for me. Typically, I would just spend my afternoons here alone, reading while the other students hung out with each other. Now I am suddenly sitting here laughing with a boy? It's weird how things can change like that.

"My stomach hurts from all the chuckling," Finn says.

"Definitely," I answer with a smile. It feels weird to smile; my cheeks are seriously not used to that. They are already hurting from it, but it's the best pain I have felt in ages. I would rather forever feel pain from laughing with Finn than any other pain there is in the world.

"So... lovebirds," a harsh voice suddenly says, almost making me jump out of my chair.

Standing behind us is Sophie, Finn's identical twin sister. I would have never guessed it if I did not know that she and Finn were twins. They dont look alike at all. Finn and Sophie don't even look related. Finn has brown curly hair, and her hair is blond and straight. Finn has brown eyes, and her eyes are blue. They are literally polar opposites.

Sophie's presence is unexpected for both of us, and her voice is in sharp contrast to Finn's. He always sounds gentle, while Sophie's voice is rude.

"Lovebirds?" Finn's voice is laced with surprise as he addresses his sister.

"Oh, so you guys are not in a relationship?" Sophie says. "Good, I was starting to worry," she mumbles afterward, but just loud enough for me to hear.

 Somehow, that comment hurts me a lot; I don't know why... I am more than used to mean comments like that by now, but this one hurts a little more than usual. Maybe because it comes from Finn's twin sister, and Finn is the only person in this school acting decent towards me.

"Erm.. What?" Finn asks. He looks at Sophie, puzzled. 

I can't place Sophie's expression, but it is almost mischievous.

"Nothing..." the blonde girl says slowly, and then Sophie smiles at me shortly, but it's not an honest smile; it's more like she is mogging me.

I am becoming increasingly uncomfortable with her presence; I want her to leave us alone. I start pulling at my skirt out of nerves.

"So, if you guys are not a couple, what are you doing here? Apart from all the laughing course'' Sophie looks at me and then at Finn while standing with her arms crossed. 

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