Fluff 2: Savior

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CatNap and Yin were in the Counselor's Office again. DogDay, begrudgingly, was waiting outside.

Yin looked for useful supplies while CatNap kept looking around warily. His eyes flicked from wall to wall and his ear was constantly on a swivel.

"Everything okay?" Yin signed.

"I did not lie when I said mice remained here," said the cat. "Though it seems there are more than I thought."

Yin smiled. "That's good, right? More toys we can help!"

"No. They are hungry, just like the rest. They are... zealous." CatNap's tail twitched. "I was not the only one consumed by worship."

Yin made a concerned face. "We'll be okay, right?"

"I will defend you," CatNap said.

They kept wandering and searching, picking up useful things as they went. CatNap kept looking around, his body language on edge. Yin tried to get his mind off things and waved for attention. "Can I be honest about something?"

"What is it?"

"I saw you and DogDay playing earlier. And I... eavesdropped on your conversation on the statue. I'm glad you two can still find something to laugh about. And I think it's nice that you two started calling each other 'brother'."

CatNap groaned and hung his head, embarrassed. If it were possible, Yin was sure his face would be turning red.

"I'm serious!" Yin continued. "And really, I'm happy for you. I'm happy you still have each other after everything that's happened.

There was a pause. "And there is you," CatNap pointed out.

Yin's signs slowed down. "Yes. There's... me."

"You are not a toy, nor are you a brother, nor are you an enemy."

"Then what am I?"

CatNap thought about it. "A savior."

Yin shook his head. "Please don't call me that," he signed. "I helped you because I wanted to. I want to be an ally, a... a friend. I understand you're still processing the whole Prototype worship thing, but don't make me your new god. I don't want your worship, I just want to not die."

"DogDay calls you an angel. Angels are worshiped."

"He doesn't kill people in my name!" Yin snapped. He took a breath and backed off. "Sorry, that's... that's not fair."

"It is... accurate," CatNap admitted.

"I'm trying to be nicer, I mean. I can tell you're doing your best to change and I don't want to be a hindrance to that."

CatNap pondered the wall for a moment, then looked at Yin. "Thank you."

Yin smiled.

They continued walking. Slowly but surely, Yin started to hear a scuffling noise behind the walls. CatNap noticed, his ear twitching as he locked onto the sound. Yin wasn't sure if the "mice" were following them, or if dormant ones were coming to life as they walked by.

"I would've thought any toys left wouldn't want to be heard," signed Yin.

"They tempt me. Try to make me hunt them."


"They think—..." CatNap's ear flattened. "I told them that dying by this disciple's hand was an honor... a glorious sacrifice... the highest form of devotion. It made hunting them easier. And the Prototype was indeed pleased."

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