One Piece Epilogue pt 4

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Time flew by and before people knew it, they were all set for their upcoming trip.

Yukiko's most powerful Legendaries, appeared and Palkia, Solgaleo, and Lunala opened up the portals leading to the Pokemon world, arriving at Alola.

"So this is Yukiko's homeland. Looks like a perfect vacation spot!" Ace said as he noticed a lot of people and ships appearing from portals. "Man, they are really making a big deal of this. Can't believe they are gonna have so many people coming!"


As a horde of people, some Marines and pirates arrived, Yukiko was with a group of children chatting with them as they looked excited to come as well.

Yukiko spotted some familiar faces and yelled to her crew. "Luffy! Guys! Ace and the others are here!"

Everyone dropped what they were doing, and each person caught up with their respective groups.

"Garp, Rosetta, Ace, Sabo! I'm glad you all came!" Yukiko said with a smile as Luffy caught up to her and even Makino, Ito and Woop Slap appeared.

"Well it is our brother's wedding, and we wouldn't miss it." Sabo grinned.

"I'm surprised you also invited Smoker and even some of your old enemies." Ace added as he looked around.

The crew was mainly catching up with family and friends, and the people of Alola came out to greet them and show them their customs.

Then two people appeared and Rosetta smiled. "This is the first I've seen you two without cloaks."

It was Dragon and Seraphina. Luffy's parents.

Seraphina smiled as she finally got to see her son for the first time in years. " really have grown sweetheart."

While both parents were nervous, they were surprised to see their son didn't hate them and he understood why they had to have Garp take him. Plus, they could catch up with their son and even give their blessing to the groom and bride.


The whitette turned and saw her grandparents and Father and mother figures come by.

"Everyone, this is Luffy's family. And this is my family."

"A pleasure, I'm Naoto." The elder male said.

"Maliki. It's nice to meet you." The elder woman said.

"Professor Kukui and this is my wife Burnet and our son Lei." The man smiled as his son cooed.

Makino quickly chatted up with Burnet and Lei and Ito babbled to each other.

"So Kukui and Burnet are your parental figures?" Seraphina asked.

"Yeah, I lost my parents at a young age, and Kukui was my dad's old friend. He'll be walking me down to the altar." Yukiko smiled.

They also learned that Yukiko also invited many of her friends in this world to the wedding as well!

Normal: Cheren, Illima, Norman, Lenora, Whitney, Larry

Fire: Blaine, Flannery, Kabu, Chili, Malva, Kiawe, Mela, Maxie, Flint

Water: Cress, Misty, Nessa, Crasher Wake, Marlon, Wallace, Juan, Siebold, Kofu, Lana, Archie

Grass: Clinton, Erika, Mallow, Gardenia, Ramos, Milo

Flying: Kahlil, Winona, Falkner, Skyla

Fighting:Hala, Chuck, Bruno, Brawly, Korrina, Bea, Drendra, Marshal, Eri, Maylene, Mustard

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