Chapter 10: Why are you back?

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I walk through the first set of doors for the train. Attikus and Miria are waiting for me. "There you are," Miria says. Her eyes once again studying me. Every flaw and detail. Judging what time has done to me, but I do not know how to feel about what time has done. I am sure everyone else has an opinion. I shift under her gaze. My whole body wants to give way to her gaze, but finally, she walks away. I push out a bit of breath as she does. She turns to look at us. "Follow." I look toward Attikus, and he only points in front of him to tell me I must go first. I sigh, following his order.

Miria points to the plain silver door behind us and says, "That's the room for the engineer." She then turns her attention to the room we are standing in. "This is our greeting room. We will greet anyone that may come to visit us on the train here." You know, I have never had someone actually visit us on this train. I glance around the room, and it hasn't changed since the last time I was here. The carpets are still a greyish silver. The walls are deep black, and a gold chandelier hangs above us. There might be a fresh coat of paint.

She walks through a door, and we follow. As we walk through and out into the open air, a guard takes his place behind us and another in front. We walk past them and through the doors. A slight shiver passes through my body as I know exactly why they do it. "This is considered the guard's room. You will not have to worry about this room." She quickly continues on, almost scurrying away from them, as if she too fears them. I don't have a fear but more of a morbid curiosity, and I look toward the door. It's closed, but I can see three more guards through the tiny glass window. They are staring at a screen, but I can't see what the screen has on it. I'm not sure I want to know. It's almost always better not to know.

We pass by another set of doors, and the guards do the same thing. "This is the kitchen. If you need a snack before one of our meal times, you are free to come in here directly or tell someone, and they will be more than happy to get you something," Miria says, hurriedly walking on. The kitchen is steel everywhere and shiny. There are two women in the room, both of whom have their heads down and refuse to look at any of us as we walk by.

Another set of doors and another set of guards doing the same thing. I shiver slightly. Attikus leans toward me but doesn't say anything. I glance toward him, but I just let out a sigh. "This is our dining room and lounge area. All meals will be served here. We have a fully stocked bar, but it might be inappropriate for you to partake beyond dinner," Miria says as she walks away. I take a moment to study the room. This room has been updated. The point of updating this room misses me. However, I am not the one who has to understand. I think the best thing is not to think, and then they can never confuse you. There is a dark oak table on one side of the room. Black curtains line the windows, and there is a dark bar with about every liquor that could be on top of it, all except the whiskey and bourbon. I had no doubt those would be gone, after his show, I am surprised anything is left. There is a brassy gold chandelier hanging over the table. The floor is a deep dark red, while the walls are black. The ceiling is grey. It all feels very dark. "This area is also a place where you can talk to your Guardian to start strategizing. I will start your etiquette lessons tomorrow."

She continues to walk forward, and through another set of doors, the guards do the same thing. I lean further inward, away from the tracks, but then, for a moment, I lean back outward. Attikus simply looks toward me. Almost looking at the tracks below us before we continue on. "This car is yours. Attikus, you will be in the first, and Mavery, you will be in the second. While you were talking to your families, I took a few measures to help make you a bit more comfortable. I also picked out clothes that should fit you for the duration of the travels. Then, you will receive more clothes upon your arrival. I will let you get settled as soon as we finish our tour. Right this way," she says, pointing toward the door in front of us.

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