5- Why?

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My eyes slowly opened and were greeted with blinding white.

"She's alive!" a familiar voice exclaimed dramatically from my left.

Slowly, I turned my painful head toward to the direction of the voice and saw a teary Kalin. I looked around  and noticed I was in a hospital room with machines and drips connected to me in the room.

"What happened?" I croaked.

My hand flew to my burning sore throat.

"You fainted Katy, you had internal bleedingu. You've been sleep for a week" Kalin replied tears falling from her face.

A week?! I looked down at my stomach and was shocked to see it wasn't as bloated as before. Panicking I placed on my hand hoping for the familiar hardness but i was only greeted with soft pudginess.

"Nathan!" I croaked looking searchingly at Kalin.

"You have a beautiful baby boy waiting for you, Katy" Kalin whispered with a smile on her face.

"Where is he?! I want to see my baby!" I shouted ignoring the burning pain in my throat.

The machines started viciously beeping at me the angrier I got. Doctors and nurses ran into my room all shouting at each other but I couldn't make out anything they were saying over my wild screams for my baby and Kalin's cries.

" Katy calm down" a doctor soothed me while holding down my shoulders.

Despite his calming voice i continued to scream out Nathan's name while also trying to struggle out of the doctor's firm yet gentle hold.

I felt something penetrate my upper arm making my body numb as i drifted to a soothing sleep.


When I woke up again I wasn't in the same hospital room anymore. I  was in a room similar to it but without the machines.

"Finally, you're awake again" said a man who I recognised to be the doctor who had been holding me down before.

"I'm Doctor Johnson and i'm in charge of you and your son"

"I want to see my baby" I pleaded tears running down my face.

I realised my throat didn't hurt anymore.

" Dont worry you get to see him soon" he smiled warmly " But remember he's a month premature so you have to be careful as he hasn't developed properly"

Why was he talking to me like I was a small child holding their little sister for the first time. I'm nearly 30 years old for God's sake!

Tears of anger and guilt fell down my face as i thought of my poor baby all alone suffering at such a young age and I'm not there to hold his little hand. Dammit what does he even look like!

"What happened?" I asked once again needing a second answer.

"I'll spare you the medical scientific details and get right to it" he said trying to lift the mood but when he saw I wasn't having it, he nervously ran his hands through his, I must admit, gorgeous brown hair and just jumped the explanation.

Basically Adam's abusive behaviour ( the doctor doesn't know it was Adam i had to lie and say i bumped into a table....) had caused a problem and I'd started to bleed internally which of cause was bad for Nathan. The blood had found it's way into something important which had caused me and Nathan a lot of pain. If i hadn't been with Kalin who'd quickly called the ambulance me or Nathan would never have made it. As soon as I'd got to the hospital, I was taken to theater and had a C- section to deliver Nathan. I'm so happy I'd been with Kalin what would have happened if I was with Adam?

Oh god Adam. What was he going to say? Has he seen Nathan? Does he even know we are here?

"Katy," doctor Johnson said pulling me out of my thoughts " It's time to see your son"

Tears of joy started pouring down my face. I finally get to see my baby.

" Your husband is still here he hasn't left since Monday" he said smiling as if that was good news.

He better not have done anything to my baby!

NA : i wasn't really into this chapter but i hope you like it so comment and that :D btw thanks for reading!!

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