Bravy Him

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I love it when he talks

Taking away my worries

On those long phone calls.

A total stranger

I met in that hot June

Is now so close

That I can't call him stranger anymore.

His jokes are lame 

But still I pretend to smile

Knowing I won't meet someone like him 

Even after covering miles.

He's a bit moody

Trying to rule the world.

Whatever's his intention

I love his determination and efforts.

His emotions are something

That can't easily be read.

Even if someone does, deep inside 

He wishes no one lets them spread.

He does is courageous

For handling things at such a young age.

Young man for handling all this smoothly

He oughts' to be called brave.

Although it isn't needed still...

I wish to be there whenever he needs a hand

Just so he could ease on and smile.

I wish I could just cover his loneliness

Just so he enjoys life a little more

Eleganica MasculinumWhere stories live. Discover now