Chapter 4 (Tim)

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 "Who do those guys think they are, just canceling games like that? What makes them so much better than us?" Nick yells.

It's the end of the day and Casey and I walked to the gym together to meet up with Nick and the rest of the team.

"As of right now we're in first place, but with Ashland canceling our game tonight we're just handing first place right over to Battin,"

"I do agree: it does suck, but what can we do?" asks Brian, our first baseman.

"Whatever," Nick grumbles. "Just get some rest over the weekend and be ready to play Battin on Monday." He turns and goes out the door leading to the student parking lot.

"God, he takes this game way too seriously," Casey says to me once Nick is out the door and the rest of the team is scattering.

"That's Nick for you," I answer as we follow him out the door.

Once in the parking lot, I'm unlocking the door to my old Ford Escort and turn to see Casey starting to walk home. "Hey, Casey," I call to her, "do you want a ride? My car's right here."

"No, it's okay. I could use the walk right now."

"Actually, a walk sounds kind of nice right now. How about we walk around the block together and then I'll give you a ride home."

"Sure," she agrees.

As we walk we talk about school and how neither of enjoy it. We also talk about ourselves and the messed up families that we both have to live with.

We keep on talking about school and family life until Casey sees the sign for the Shady Rest Park. "How's this park? Is it nice?" she asks me, motioning toward the old, splintering wooden sign.

"I don't know if you really want to go in there. Nobody ever does."

"Why is that? Not maintained, gangs?"

"I don't know for sure, but I hear some weird stuff will happen in there at times."

"Okay then, so what kind of weird?" she asks suspiciously.

"I just mean weird like... unnerving, unnatural."

"You mean like ghosts?"  


(Authors Note: Hope your enjoying the story so far, more chapters will be up next Saturday.


Wes Mogenson)

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