Birthday Love (18+)

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February 2015

Harry arrived at Chaerin's place today. He felt extra happy today since it was his girlfriend's birthday. It has been now more than six months since that confession. They moved away from "more than just friends" to "I like you boo, you cute" type of relationship.

Their love for rap as an art form has formed a special bond that nobody has ever seen. They were like Tiger JK and Mirae 2.0, the next generation heir Kings and Queens of Hip Hop. Both have an impressive reputation for their fierce some and witty rap.

Glamour aside, they were just good friends who became lovers. The only difference now is they would kiss and touch each other. For Harry was her firm waist and ass, for Chaerin was his abs and broad shoulders. Their love for one another has grown passionate and he was there to show it.

A hotel that offered privacy for just the two. Yesterday they celebrated her real birthday with her friends and family. Jay took all the pictures including Chae stuffing herself with cake. Gikwang posed with G Dragon and Harry posted with Jay Park.

Today was just a special birthday just for him and Chaerin. To make the mood he brought some chocolates, a flower, and some vinyls for her to listen.

"I'm Harry Park her boyfriend, I actually came to drop some stuff right here." Harry identified himself.

"Ah so you must the special someone she was speaking about. Don't you think it's little late for Valentine's?"

"Today is her birthday ajusshi. I wanted to celebrate it just with her." Harry stated. With a nod the clerk pointed to where the room was at. Using the elevator Harry went up towards the fourth floor towards a door 417 on it.

"I'm here Chaerin it's me Harry." He knocked gently.

"Harry? Holdup I'll be there in a moment." Chaerin said.

After a few moments of standing the door finally opened. She wore leggings, and a nice blue blouse. Her hair was tied in a pretty ponytail. She wore the same eyeliner she usually does.

Harry smiled at her. "I came here just like you told me. It took a while to the find the cake you wanted. Chocolate Almond correct?"

"That's a lot of stuff to be holding you didn't need to bring all that. I just wanted you."

"I know, but the Christian side is telling me I should give to others and today is your birthday. I promise I didn't get too carried away, just a flower and some chocolates you like." Harry placed the small robe near the TV.

"Wow, I love these Harry! You I've been looking for these!" Chaerin smiled at the vinyl.

"I know how much you love those instrumentals. You can put this on right to relax whenever you're home."

"I'ma put some Bossa Nova in there give me a moment." She took out the record and placed it gently inside the player. Soon enough the atmosphere was officially set.

"You've made my day already oppa. I'm so fucking happy." Chaerin closed the door. She gave Harry a deep kiss to his lip to show how much she loved him.

"Since we are going to stay over I had us order pizza for tonight. You like olives on yours, right?"

"I grew up in New York, I can eat just about anything on it. Let's sit down." Harry kicked off his shoes and took off his jacket. He wore a blue tee of some 90s cartoon.

"My you're looking real fine for someone who got in bed."

"I should say the same thing boo. You tempt me on your special day. I'm willing to do whatever you want. It's your birthday." Harry stated.

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