Chapter 32

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It was supposed to have been sunny, but given the situation, it was fitting that a fall thunderstorm suddenly decided to pop up as Michelle was driving me back to the beach house. I needed a shower and a change of clothes before I could do anything. She'd insisted on it. Personally, I didn't feel like I had the energy to even take a shower, but Michelle was going to make sure I took care of myself before I tried to take care of anybody else.

We pulled up to the beach house and I forced myself to climb out of the vehicle, dragging my feet the whole way up the steps. Michelle looked at me with sorrowful eyes and opened the door for me.

"It's going to be okay, Kenzie," she said softly, patting me on the back as I passed by her into the house.

I wanted to burst into tears again. I'd just told the man I loved him and then he was arrested for murder. What the fuck was I supposed to do with that? How could I begin to process what had just happened?

Suddenly my phone rang, and it nearly scared me out of my pants. It was a Maine number I didn't recognize, but I figured I better answer it in case it was Blake calling from jail.


"Mackenzie Vega?" came a woman's voice.


"This is Charlotte Hammond, attorney at law. How are you doing this morning?" she asked nicely, sounding like she was bright eyed and bushy tailed even if the rest of the world wasn't.

"I could be better," I said hesitantly, trying to figure out who she was. "Why are you calling me?"

"I'm representing Mr. Blake Henry, and he told me to give you a call," she explained. "He's being held at Greenwater maximum security penitentiary. He's already seen a judge and they will not grant bail, given the charges."

"What are the charges?" I forced myself to ask, though I knew I didn't really want the answer.

"Six counts of first-degree premeditated murder and six counts of evidence tampering," she said. "There may be additional charges come up as this case moves along, but right now, that's more than plenty to have to fight."

"What evidence do they have?"

She sighed, sounding disappointed. "They have everything, Miss Vega. They have the knife that the women were stabbed with. They have the clothing that you as a witness saw the perpetrator wearing, complete with blood on it. It's been bleached, but we know what it is. It was all found in Blake's truck this morning."

"How confident are you in being able to get him out of this?" I asked.

There was a long pause. "Miss Vega, I'm confident I can help him get a reduced sentence, but given the situation and the charges..."

"No. You have to get him out of there. You have to get these charges dropped!" I practically screamed into the phone. "I'm your best witness and I'll testify. I'm ready."

"That's what Mr. Henry said too," she told me. "But I can't put you on the stand if you're going to be hysterical. You'll have to stay calm and not let your emotions get the better of you."

"I understand that. I'm just really pissed and scared right now," I explained. "I'm sorry. I just told Blake I love him last night and now this is happening."

Michelle looked at me and mouthed "you love him?" and I nodded.

"Miss Vega, I need to ask you a serious question and I need you to answer honestly, okay?"


"Were you with Blake when any of the murders were committed?"

"Are you asking if I helped him kill somebody?" I asked in horror.

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