Chapter Four: Y/N Changes Her Name to Greg

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Chapter Song: "The Greg Poop Song" by  The Odd Man Who Sings About Poop, Puke and Pee

Greg jogged down the courthouse's concrete steps with newfound confidence. She neatly tucked her certificate of name change and all her other personal documents – birth certificate, passport, wizard101 username and password – into an unmarked manila folder and slid it into her rolling suitcase.

People stopped and stared as she walked by, admiring how cool and awesome her hair was. But Greg ignored them all, too focused to feel flattered. She had a one-way Amtrak ticket to Chicago and 30 minutes to get to the train. Greg broke into a run as she neared South Station. She had plenty of time left, but she wanted an Auntie Annes pretzel (or 5) for the ride.

Greg boarded the train station with nothing but her pretzels and the one suitcase, ready for her new life in Chicago. She turned on her headphones and listened to Pelicannapper's new song as the train departed.

Hopefully, her roommates wouldn't mind that she ditched them with all her furniture (and rent). She figured they would understand, and if they didn't, well, good luck finding her lol.

Greg had felt stuck for a while now, career-wise, and needed a change of pace. So, when she saw that job posting on indeed to be a live-in maid for her favorite YouTuber, Danny Gonzalez, she immediately applied. Did she like cleaning? No. Did she have any experience? No. The only thing that mattered was her unquenchable thirst for the scoop on Drew and Danny's divorce.

You see, Greg had been there from the beginning...

Flashback: 6 years ago, New York 9/10 2018

Greg stood towards the front of the line, waiting for the meet & greet to start. She'd been a fan of Danny and Drew for some time now, so when she heard the two were going to do a comedy tour together, she knew she had to be there.

That summer, Greg dipped into her college fund and bought two tickets, hoping to make a friend at university to bring with her (she didn't). She even skipped class to make the bus ride there, and booked a flight out of JFK on 9/11 in order to make it back on time for her 8am the next morning.

"Next," said the security guard or whatever, prompting Greg to step behind the divider thingy that separated the celebrities from the normals. Upon seeing Drew and Danny, Greg was immediately starstruck.

"Hey." Danny greeted her with a friendly smile.

"Hi!" Greg managed, trying to keep her composure. Then she noticed something, something only a true fan would be able to notice. The two YouTubers seemed close. Like, more-than-friends close. "Can I ask something weird?"

"Sure," they said in unison, and then giggled.

"Are you guys together?" Greg asked carefully.

"Yes, we are..." Drew said, blushing. "But don't tell anyone. We're not sure how supportive everyone would be of our relationship."

"Gay marriage is totally in right now, everyone would be supportive of you," Greg reassured them.

"That settles it then," Danny exclaimed with a smirk. "We'll announce our relationship tonight."

"And I'm pregnant!" Drew added for some reason.

"Oh! Congrats!" Greg squealed, even though she was actually very confused. Supportive, but confused. Then, Drew and Danny thanked Greg for being such a good ally and giving them the courage to come out, and they took a commemorative photo together (so you know this story is 100% true).

(Yeah this is actually me but y'all DON'T need to see my pre glow-up face. Also why were we posing like I'm their mom??) 

The next morning, as Greg waited at the JFK airport on 9/11, she vowed to never stop supporting Drew and Danny's love

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The next morning, as Greg waited at the JFK airport on 9/11, she vowed to never stop supporting Drew and Danny's love. 

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