3. Arriving

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Once we landed after what felt a million years me and Nick walked into the Avengers compound.

We walked into a lounge area where the Avengers ( Steve,Nat,Clint,Tony,Bruce,
Bucky and Sam) were sitting.

"I have someone to introduce to you. This is Agent Isabella Stark" Fury introduced me.

Clint and Nat came over and hugged me.

"Hey,you're early?" Nat asked

"Yeah somebody couldn't wait" I responded sending a glare at Nick

"Well I'm not complaining" Clint told me as they went to sit down.

Tony just sat there glaring at me.

"Why are you here?" Tony finally asked his dumb question. Like why does he think I'm here to, dance for them?

Before I bit his head off Fury answered for me.

"I thought she could help you with your mission." Fury calmly stated trying to defuse the tension.

"Why would we need her help" Tony asked yet another dumb question.

"Obviously you need help. So here I am." I answered for Fury this time.

Tony rolled his eyes but shut up for the time being.

"Listen Agent Stark is going to stay here until you finishes the mission. I'm going to let you make yourself at home." Fury told the team then left.

He left me here with my brother. This was going to be a very long case. Or do they call them missions, I guess it's probably a mission.

After sitting in silence for what seemed like an eternity my brother finally spoke up.

"Why did you do it?" He asked me.

"Do what? Leave?" He nodded

"Because I needed time, and space. I needed to figure out my feelings and my thoughts. I hated Dad but then suddenly he was dead I didn't know what to do." I told him honestly.

I didn't want to have this conversation now. Especially in front of a whole team of people I don't really know.

"Well I needed you. You didn't think about that did you? No. You didn't. You only thought about yourself." Tony shot back at me.

At this point everyone was just sitting there staring at us argue.

"Of course I thought about you. You're my brother. I tried to contact you but you just ignored me. You were the one who decided to be petty. You were the one who decided to cut me out of your life. Not me. You." I was fed up of arguing. It was not the first impression I wanted to give to the avengers.

We that sat in silence for what felt like another eternity Bruce spoke up making me realise I hadn't spoken to anyone other than Tony and that I was still standing in the middle of the room awkwardly so I went to go sit down in between the only two people I knew and liked.

"So what do you do at Shield?"

"Oh I mainly lead missions." I answered Bruce's question.

"Like super secret spy mission or action packed field missions" Sam asked me as if he was a little kid.

I laughed a little before answering "er both, but most of the time it's 'action packed field missions.'

I was then asked yet another question by Steve.

"Not to interrogate you or anything but what level are you?"

"Oh I'm a level 9 agent which not to brag is 1 level below Fury" I bragged

"You're a level 9 agent." Tony asked not believing me.

"Yes I am believe it or not." I politely responded not wanting to start another argument.

"Or not" Tony muttered under his breath.

"Shes actually the youngest ever level 9 shield agent." Clint passive aggressively shared with Tony.

"Yeah well I'm a level 10 agent." Natasha said lightening the situation.

"Yeah well technically you're not a shield agent at all" I turned to look at Nat.

"Yeah whatever" Nat mumbled.

And that was how I first met the avengers. Not the best first impression but oh well.

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