Chapter Three

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Valentina is listening to Hope's breathing and heartbeat to check if she is really asleep. Once she is convinced Hope is in deep slumber, she carefully gets out of bed as to not wake up Hope. She takes a vial and a knife from the drawer. Valentina kneels down next to Hope's bed and takes Hopes hand into hers. Then she slices Hope's hand, letting the blood fall into the vial.

"You took my daughters blood?!" Hayley screamed at Valentina.

"I am sorry." Valentina says as she looks at Hope. She really was sorry. She didn't want to take Hopes blood, but it was necessary so Enzo would realise his mother lied to him.

Valentina used her vamp speed to go to the Old Mill. Once there she immediately began preparing all the things she needed for the spell.

As she was preparing everything, Enzo was coming up behind as quiet as possible, to try and suprise her.

"You are just on time." Valentina said as she smirked victoriusly.

Lorenzo groaned.

"How the hell do you always hear me coming?" He asked as he leaned against the wall behind Valentina.

"Because you try the same thing everytime." Valentina said, a teasing smile on her face, her back turned to Enzo, "You're predictable."

"Am not." Enzo said with an offended tone.

"You two still argue like you're twelve." Klaus says with a soft laugh. He reaches out towards Valentina and ruffles her hair.

"Dad." Valentina whines as she fixes her hair.

Hope feels a surge of jealousy as she watches the exchange between her father and best friend, sister, as it turns out. Since they got into this room she has heard them share stories about their life with Klaus. How he dressed as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, how he acted when he first met Valentinas boyfriend. All of the things she has always wanted, but never got.

"Are you ready?" Valentina asks turning to look at Enzo with sympathy.

"As ready as I'll ever be." Enzo says as he pushes himself of the wall and walks towards Valentina. He stands at the other side of the table, looking down.

"Did you cry?" Valentina asked as she reached out, took his chin in her hand  and turned his head upwards.

"No." Enzo said, swatting her hand away.

"No need to be hostile." Valentina said, a bit of annoyance in her tone.
"I was just asking."

"Let's just get this over with." Enzo said as he put his hand over the bowl.

Valentina sliced his palm and let his blood fall into the bowl.

Once the cut healed Valentina still didn't let go of his hand.

"I'm here for you. You know that, right?" She said looking at him softly. Her tone feathery.

"I know." He said, his voice tremulous.

"He doesn't sound like he's doing very good." Elijah said in his usual plummy voice.

Valetina rolled her eyes.

"Obviously." She hated that she had to watch her friend go through this, again.

That is what he loved the most about her, she was always there for him. For everyone really. She always had that caring, kind of motherly air around her. But if you asked her, she would deny it. Valentina always said that Lana was the one that had that motherly air around her because she was the gentle one. But he knew if he asked anyone in The Town, they would agree with him. Valentina was the one who taught all the witches their magic.
She was there for the wolves on their first full moons.
She was there for newly turned vampires.
Lana was good with kids, but Valentina had a gift. She didn't act motherly just with the kids, she acted like that with everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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