| rough training. |remake ver.

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(dude I don't know how to write diary's.)


This is so dumb. Why am I even writing in this again..? It's not like I'll write in it about my life every single second, but here I am.. writing away to pass time. As a jujutsu sorcerer, every day is the same partly different at times but still. It's the same, fight a curse, get back injured as hell, go to shoko, meet the idiotic duo (itadori and nobara.), ect. The only difference In my life is gojo sensei I suppose...

Sensei has been more rough with me whenever we trained. Probably because I been asking for one on ones a lot, if it bothers him so much why doesn't he tell me to back off-? There's probably a bigger reason of why he been doing this. A joke or he generally wants me to get stronger, either way Everytime I pass out during the training someone brings me to my room and leaves soup for me. I really should thank the person but sensei won't even tell me! He keeps saying "I don't knowwww~!" He clearly does know. He won't even Give me a hint..! it's so annoying and bothering, I really can't believe that he's my guardian. He doesn't even seem older then me.. I do have to thank him though, if he never found me when I was a kid.. I probably would be someone different. That's the only good thing he has done. Is what I would say normally and just end it off here. But i do have to confess something, ever since itadori came along I been quite nervous around him. I keep stuttering and losing my cool around him, not to mention I'm more awkward around him. There's no way I love him right-? That's just pathetic.. he'll die sooner or later, he does know that ever since he ate that finger he been the biggest target curses want. Always risking his life for others, always caring for others before himself. I really can't tell if he's an idiot that only acts or actually care for others.. it's just so annoying that i like him somehow, just-.. oh God never mind this is just stupid.. tsumiki would definitely say "I knew it! Your using the diary I gave you, how cute!"... perhaps she was always right in the beginning. I really should stop writing.


..Megumi leaned back on his chair and sighed. He been at his desk writing away in this book for hours , fixing little spelling mistakes over and over. he found it so stupid.. yet so comforting that he had something to vent his mind about (.. it'll be better if it was a person I could talk to.) he thought to himself while looking at the clock, watching every second go by carefully before getting up - '' I should get ready. I have to train with sensei soon..'' megumi said in a whisper tone, he brushed his teeth, got dressed, and went downstairs. There was bacon and eggs with a note

I don't cook usually so please enjoy this-! Oh God I hope this food isn't cold when you get downstairs, have fun at training by the way :) you'll do good like you always do, I swear!

It was quite obvious who made it. I mean, the food had a little silly ketchup face on the eggs. Megumi chuckled softly - he thought about how much yuji struggled to make the food made him laugh even more. He sat down and ate
(it was surprisingly good!)
When megumi was done eating he got up and went outside. Almost everyone was there (gojo,nobara,panda,Inamaki,maki.) yuji wasn't there though. "Took you long enough! You know how long it been?!-" nobara said, clearly upset megumi was in his room for hours and didn't train already. "Well excuse me for taking my precious time."
"You took so long that yuji left for his mission already!"
"..he had a mission -?"
"Tsk. Of course you don't know! You never listen. Here, he wanted to give this to you, But you took to long so he asked me to give it to you." Nobara handed megumi a brown bag (it was kinda neat, but it looks like a child tried making one-) megumi took the bag and stared at it for a second. ".. I'll open it when I'm done with training." Megumi said - he sighed slightly. Kinda disappointed yuji himself couldn't give it to him in person.

7:00 to 12:00 (5 hours.)

Megumi was quite tired. His body was trembling like hell, his curse energy was low, but he still had the strength to at least stand. Gojo wasn't rough with megumi this day. He usually is every Sunday, quite strange but a good change. Megumi fell on his knees, his breathing was heavy and slow. . . When he looked up he saw a blonde brownish hair guy with a red scarf-..oh wait it's yuji. He couldn't figure out what yuji was saying since he was so tired but he was just a bit glad to see him..he passed out afterwards. Like always he was in bed and there was soup with a note this time

Oh jeez, sorry I can't be around when you wake up. I know how much you hate it when I'm in your room soo! I changed the soup "Slightly" maybe you'll notice, I don't really know. But perhaps you'll see the difference if you really been enjoying the soup :D

- from ....

..the name wasn't even there. No hint, nothing. That ( person ) usually does that, it annoyed megumi usually but he was grateful for the soup. He took a sip and there was a obvious difference, it was tomato soup this time. It was good like the rest of the soups was from the other days. He took his time eating before getting up. When megumi looked at his desk the brown bag was there (oh right.. I'm supposed to open it.) he thought to himself, he grabbed the bag and opened it. Inside was a pair of slippers that looked like his divine dogs!- of course a note was there.

If you don't mind.. can we match fushiguro -? I already have my own pair of slippers lol!

Megumi sighed. He didn't hate the idea but it seemed stupid...but he would let it slide. I mean, who would say no-? That's wholesome stuff:) Megumi grabbed his diary and started to write again. He hated writing in it but it helped keep his thoughts in check.

..I can't believe it, I'm writing in this book once again... whatever, uh. Itadori gave me some slippers that had my Devine dogs markings. They was black and white as well, he wants to match with me.. it's cute. I don't know if I should agree or not. Gojo sensei would definitely make fun of me for actually agreeing, I usually don't agree with stuff. Especially matching "awe! My little wegumi matching with wuji!" In that annoying ass baby voice whenever he teased us. I really want to say yes.. but I don't want him to annoy us. I could tell him to go away but he won't, I generally don't know if I should do this. I mean, it's itadori himself who asked if we could match.. he even got his own pair! God I'll feel so bad if I said no. Perhaps I could say yes.

....of course when we're alone, Just me and him.. ok that sounds weird. Whatever, gojo sensei was a bit less rougher today, thank God. I still passed out but I don't care so much, that person made me new soup,I really wonder why they even do it. Do they even know me well?? It's really dumb , what if their just doing it because they feel bad?? I mean, at least they care..but if I don't know who it is then how can I thank him properly? How can I even figure out who the person is? I know damn well it can't be sensei. His hand writing is more fancier, it can't be nobara. She doesn't even write to me, "it's a waste of time!" she once said. She's so stubborn-.. she's not important though....wait it could be itadori.. but his writing usually change a lot depending on subjects.. so it could be someone else. But then again, I could ask him to write something similar to these notes but it'll be so random! What If i-...

Megumi leaned back on his chair, there was multiple ways he could make yuji write. Perhaps his name? A letter for sensei? Something random? It could be anything, anything that sounds convincing like something that sounds like megumi would do.. he knows how itadori writing looks like (when yuji normally write), he knows the person writing is a bit different..but something tells him it's itadori that been giving him soup and writing the notes.. it's just strange,why wouldn't itadori put his name on the notes? He does it all the time when they write to each other so why these specific notes..? Megumi sighed, thinking about this gave him a headache. He turned off his lamp light and room light, he climbed into bed and just stared at the ceiling for a little before going to sleep. It was going to be one tiring day the moment he wakes up, that was megumi guess of course! Maybe luck will jinx it and make it a non tiring day! :D

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