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Today was the voting day, i couldn't wait.
We were enjoying alot.
I was going to vote shayan for the head boy, but everyone insisted to vote samar. Everyone wanted samar as the head boy, but i didn't get the vibe.
Ahad and taha was insisting alot, so i voted maryam as the head girl and so called samar as the head boy. I wasn't happy, i didn't like him. He sounds so boring, he will make the school more boring.
After the voting, classes begin.
We all were enjoying and discussing what will be the results.

The school was kinda fun. Almost everyone voted for me, Farwa too. She was always irritating me, that i would not become the head boy. Yet she voted for me. Strange.
The classes begin, but none was listening to the teacher, i am the good Student here. I'm always with my stuff and paying attention. I try to do my best.
And here Ahad was always after that girl, and taha after maryam.
Love, love, love.
Such a fake thing.

We were much enjoying school, October begin.
I became close to maryam, anoosha, ahad and taha.
Maryam and taha were in a relationship.
Maryam told me a week ago, that she liked taha. Taha was also involved, never expected that. Because the hieght difference, maryam is short and taha is too tall. Such a cute match.
They didn't stop shipping me to Ahad.
And after 2 days, i got to know that ahad likes me, i started avoiding him. Everything was so messed up, they were all shipping me to him, and here i hated it. I wanted everyone to normalize it. Whole school thought we're dating. Like we're not, i was annoyed.

3rd week of October, gossips were all over the school about ahad, farwa and maryam, taha.
I almost thought ahad and farwa were dating, they're not.
Maryam and taha made a really good match.
Ahad liked farwa, farwa didn't like ahad۔ i guess she was too pretty for him. Farwa, maryam and anoosha used to annoy me alotttt.
I annoyed them back, i learned the tricks.
October passed with 1st term exams, i was stressed honestly. I didn't pay much attention to studies, because I always had to do my sis work and all.
I didn't pass and i was scared, my parents weren't that strict. I showed them the result, they told me to do better next time.
I really wanted to make them proud, i hope i do.
2nd assessment are in November then mid-terms in December.
I will do good in 2nd assessment inshaAllah.

I was so so so angry at myself, i should have studied yaar. I literally got 14/30 in history. Baba was a little upset, but I'll make it up to him the next time.
I studied a little in front of him, for some days. Then on November 3rd our 2nd assessment was going to start. Just a few days. Habiba, maryam and me went to dolmen to hang out. Anoosha couldn't come because it was too far from her house. Well good day.
I came back and thought of sleeping as i was tired. I opened my phone before sleeping.
Ahad messaged me.
'Ahad: hello '
I told him to not message me, i wasn't allowed to talk to any boy.
I replied hesitantly 'hi'
He replied real quick and started talking about how everyone ships us. I told him to not even think of it or talk to me about it and slept.
Shit! Shit! Shit! Man! I sounded so desperate! Shouldn't have talked like that. I should make her sure that I'm not involved and everyone is making things up or everything will be messed!
Samar always tell me to give up on her, i dont understand what he has to do with her. They're of no match, its that i understand. They fight alot.
Maybe he tells me that because he hates her.


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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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