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Mariya ,who was already ready, wearing her school uniform, was helping Rumaisa with her 'Saaree'...

After finishing her look, the girls had finally put their 'hijabs' on and waited for their brother to come and drop them to the school....

After a wait of almost half an hour, their brother finally came home and dropped them at school by 2:55... There, Mariya first caught the sights of Ayesha. After seeing her, both the girls headed toward her.....


Time skip.....

As the time passed, the trio and the other girls were of course talking. As they were talking, a familiar figure was coming towards them from a distance, it was none other than Umar. Umar waved his hand from a certain distance and the girls did the same and in no time he reached the place where the girls were standing along with his two friends...

He came near and gave a heartful smile to Mariya and along with a chuckle he said, "So... Finally today Rumi  got a better appearance... Otherwise she's no less then a sloth..... Haa.. Haaa.. Haa.... " Everyone laughed except Rumaisa whose cheeks became more like a bloated red baloon. She replied annoyingly, " You donkey.. You better mind your tongue here in front of everyone ..... Or else I'll hit your moon like face and set fire in your larynx..... Then you'll no longer be able to tease me.... "

Everyone again laughed out loud....
Yes... Umar and Rumaisa has a really good relation... They are the best buddies since their childhood. Or we can say Umar is the hunter and Rumaisa is his prey.....

He was just pulling her legs..Just playing with her. There bond is just like this.. Of course they have been grown up fighting with each other...

"I'm just speaking the truth... I'm damn sure... Mariya.. That she was definitely sleeping when you came to ours... Right??.... " Umar said while a mischievous smile on his face. He signalled Mariya to say something. A Wide smile on her face, her gazes looking down on the floor, making his heart to burst up at any rate, Mariya said, " Hmmm... Huh.. Yeah.. Actually Umar bhai's right, Rumi when I  went there you really were lost in your slumber.. So I have no choice but to agree with his words.. That you're really no less than a sloth.... "

They all laughed and talked for a while. Later Umar and his friends separated their ways from the girls. They were standing near Mariya and her friends as the place was really thronged. A few friends joined Umar...

Umar's eyes on Mariya who was busy talking with Rumaisa who was now surrounded by many girls and others....
' Am I not looking good at all??... Did.. Did I overdo my look?? Not looking good even just a little bit??... I'm sure she had'nt noticed me precisely.....
What the... Why am I thinking like this... Why.... Man... I'm head over heals in love with her.... Only if she knows... What the hell am I thinking...'

"Mariya who do you think in the boys looks better today?.. " One of Rumaisa's friend who's also close to Mariya asked mischievously, Mariya who did'nt got the question exactly replied within no time, " Of course... As far as I can see ... Its Umar bhai... He's looking really good as always... He has many good feature... Actually he is good from head to toe... "

The girls chuckled, while Mariya who could'nt understood anything smiled slightly with a blank expression.

The words poured from her mouth left a deep impact on the heart of the person whose face now blushing, a little smile in his face , he was only listening to Mariya not his friends, he thought, 'Man.. Did.. Did she really said my name... Man I can't believe this... Shut up you heart... Man ... I fall for her even more each day.... Does... Does this mean.. She.... '

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