Bickering duo(10)

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"What kind of shit I've got myself into .... I feel like mom has just throw me into..........................."

"Where are the pillows ?" Asked yoongi interrupting taehyung as he entered his room

"Don't you have manners ??'s my room and you just.............."

"I didn't even want to come to your room but I have no pillow in my room ...I can't sleep without pillow " said yoongi again interrupting taehyung

"So??" Said taehyung not caring much

"So !! ...give me a pillow damn it !!" Said yoongi getting annoyed by taehyung's behaviour

"Why would I give you my pillow .... I've got only three pillows in my room" said taehyung and yoongi looked at him in disbelief

"Three pillows !! is enough for a anyone to sleep and you ................"

"I'm not anyone !!...I'm kim-taehyung and I sleep with three pillows !!" Said taehyung proudly

"Ohhh.... Right're not anyone   you're not even a human ..... You belong to some other category , I've forgotten about it sowwwy !!" Said yoongi smirking

"What do you mean by some other category??" Asked taehyung getting up from his bed and approaching yoongi

"Aren't you a pumpkin??... so your round body won't stay still,you absolutely need three pillows to stay on one place so that you won't fall down !!"said yoongi provoking taehyung 

"Haha ....very funny !!....have you seen yourself you potato !!"said taehyung laughing instead at yoongi but stopped laughing as yoongi started laughing even loudly at taehyung

"Wh...why are you laughing ?" Asked taehyung confused

"Wait ...I'll show you !!" Said yoongi taking out his mobile from his pocket


Yoongi showed a pumpkin picture to taehyung and again burst into laughter

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Yoongi showed a pumpkin picture to taehyung and again burst into laughter

"You looked like this when you were laughing !!" Said yoongi while laughing holding his stomach

Taehyung gritted his teeth in annoyance and dragged yoongi out of the room

"GO TO HELL!!" said taehyung and locked his room from inside

Yoongi went back to his room while laughing and giggling

Meanwhile, Taehyung stood in front of the mirror and started laughing to see that which part of his face reminded yoongi of that pumpkin

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