Easton+Elijah(Chapter 3)

3 1 0

Song: Be Mine by Boy Pablo

           We just got done with the 4 by 1. Our boys team is next up and then I'm done for a bit. This track meet is really weird, like it has the long distance running and the 4 by 4 right now. But it feels like this track meet is just making everyone fall for some, like Eden and Valerie. But my sorry ass can't pull anyone. Oh well.

      I'm sitting in my teams little circle, looking through TikTok.

     "This is what he wanted to give you. Can he get your number," I hear someone say. Their not from our team though. I look up and see a boy handing one of the eighth graders a piece of paper and some... Taki's?

    "Wait, what," I ask looking up at the boy, then the eighth grader.

   "So I rizzed up this guy and his friend," she points to the boy, "is asking for my number."

  "And how old are you," I say to the boy.


"Me too."

"You know, maybe I could get your number instead," he says, ripping the piece of paper in half.

"Um sure." I take the paper from him and rummage through my backpack for a pen. After finally finding one, I write my number on the paper.

  "You got Insta?"

  "Yeah." I hand him my phone, pressing the icon for Instagram. He types his username in and presses the follow button.

  "Your pretty fast," he says, handing back my phone.

  "Thanks," I say. I've never really talked to a guy before. Well technically the boys at my school don't count. But I did hear that this one girl that graduated from my school is dating one of my friends' brother. Lila and Luke, they were the power couple.

    My best friend, Jenny, sits down next to me. She side-eyes me, signaling that she thinks we're cute together. How I know, I really can't answer that, but if I ever get an answer I will tell it. The boy walks away from our circle after a few seconds of awkward silence.

   "Who the hell was that," Jenny asks.

  "Um I don't know. I didn't ask for his name," I say, powering off my phone.

  "You stupid-," she groans. "Why would you? Oh my god, I screwed up."


  "I should've taught you better."

  "In what?"

  "In talking to boys!" Her voice raises a little bit, considering that the other teams were looking at us anyway. "You can't just not ask for their name. Did you at least get a number?"
I shake my head no. She looks at me, a frown taking over her entire face. "Putain," she mumbles under her breath. I can't remember what it means but I think it means the F word.

(It does. I checked. It's French btw)

  We walk over to the long jump after getting our backpacks ready for sleep. Valerie is about to jump, so we cheer her on. She jumped and managed to break her PR of 17 foot, 2 inches by getting 20 feet even. Val nearly jumped out of the pit. Obviously she got first, because well yeah.

  I see Eden standing next to Val, while receiving the recorded distances. Walking up to them, I hear bits and pieces of their conversation.

  "You did good. I mean like really good. Your stride has gotten a lot better too," Eden says.

  Val responds with, "Yeah, I was working on it all summer with Levi." Eden nods and finally sees me.

  "Hey Easton."

  "Hey, did you get Mason's number?"

  "Oh shit. I didn't." She looks around for him, finally seeing him with his friend at the triple jump.


So yea. This was Easton and Elijah's thing. It's ok but let me know if y'all want a specific scene in a next chapter.

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