38. Define under control for me, Miss Marshal

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A little late today, but I totally forgot that this week was my grandma's birthday as well as mother's day, so I was busy trying to get some gifts done. Otherwise, I would have had this chapter posted sooner.

Also, fair warning, in my haste to make sure the chapter was posted today, I didn't do as much editing as I usually do. So there may be a few more mistakes than usual. Feel free to point them out, I will be fixing them over the weekend when I get the chance.

Everly's POV

It was a good thing the hospital I had been taken to was one with doctors affiliated with the agency. Otherwise, there would have been no way we would have ever been able to be working out of the hospital room without having a fight with the doctors.

Ryan and Noelle had set up two computer stations in front of the couch and neither had left the room for more than half an hour at a time. Eric came in and out of the room as he helped but also, went back and forth from the ICU where Tessa was to check in on her every couple hours.

Henri had been helping out by getting us food, drinks, or anything else we needed while we worked.

There was a laptop on my lap, papers scattered across my hospital bed, two different burner phones on the table beside me, and a wall of pictures, maps, and documents taped up to my left. The entire room looked like something one would see in an investigation unit of a police station, not in a hospital room.

Jason and Chase still came by to check in and were helping Henri out with whatever else needed to be done. Zack had opted to go into the town nearest to where the agents had been taken from and start talking to the people to see if they'd seen anything. Devin had received a call from Zero and decided it would be better if he went to the agency to handle things from that end.

Since, you know, no one else actually wanted to deal with Zero.

Especially since when I first picked up the phone when he called me after walking up, it had been to yell at me and question me on how I could have possibly screwed things up even more.

Honestly, I had a lot of choice words for him, but I was in pain, tired, and busy trying to track down missing agents. Still, just when I was about to give him a piece of my mind, Henri took the phone from my hands and hung up on him.

After that, whenever he called, Henri would answer the phone. He stopped calling pretty quickly after that. Apparently, he didn't wish to deal with Henri. I wasn't actually sure why that was, considering I wasn't even aware that Zero and Henri were anything more than acquaintances.

Still, I was just happy he'd stopped calling me. That was one issue solved. Now if only the other issue could be solved . . .

"What the hell is that?" one voice questioned.

"Bigfoot," Another voice replied in a deadpan tone. "It's a tree. What the hell else do you think it is?"

"No shit. I'm referring to what's on the tree!"

"Well, then why didn't you point to what you were talking about instead of gesturing to the entire tree? What am I, a mind reader?"

"You're a fucking traitor is what you are."

Sam didn't respond to Ian.

Both were back in the woods where Alejandra had been taken. They had been driving up and down the roads, talking to people, checking out security footage, and coming over the forest trying to find any sort of clue as to where they had gone off to. We had their comms hooked to the TV in the room so that we could hear them. If we needed to reply, then we'd just use one of the computers we were using.

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