CHAPTER 7: "Vague Pursuit"?

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As they trek throu da islend, they encountur many obstaclz. The wild pepul r reluctint to let dem pass, fearin that they r ther 2 steal ther sakred relicz. GRAMOS, wit his vast knowlidge of da islend's lore, manajes to convins them that they meen no harm. Bagel, on da oder hand, iz quick 2 draw it sword, ready 2 defend itts new frends at a moment's notise. Will they evur reach da hart of da islend en find da secret 2 escaping dis prison o' mistry? Del ree finaly reech da hart o' da islend, wher dey discovur a ancient templ. Inside, dey find a crumblng murrel dat depikts a battl betwen da islendz pepul en a sea monstur. Da murrel shows dat da monstur wuz Tylor sift wit da help o' a misticul artifact. Realizing dat dey nead dis artifact 2 escaep da islend, dey set off 2 find it. Along da way, dey r chasd by da wild bore😜, who r determin to stop dem from leavin. Will dey find da artifact en time, or wil dey be caucht by da angry mob? hHdhejoskahHHHHehhsskakkaka

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