Chapter 32: Hidden Spaces and Whiskeys Neat Pt. Two

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Remus entered the Three Broom Sticks alongside Ella, his hand naturally finding the small of her back as he led her towards an open booth to the right of the bar.  Countless memories of his teen years threatened to flood his brain as he breathed in the buttery air of Hogsmeade's treasured pub, so he tried to focus on the crackling of the fireplace and the soft crooning of Celestia Warbeck records being played on the opposite side of the bar. 

Ella seemed to know—the way she always seemed to know—his mind was wondering at that moment, since she turned around and reached for his hand. She gave him a knowing smile and squeezed his hand wordlessly, knowing there was nothing she could say or do to bring back the best people he'd ever known. Instead, she let him revisit the memories a moment longer, hoping Remus would find peace from the life that once was. 

Ella hadn't even eased herself into the booth before an excited shout was heard from the other side of the pub. Remus and Ella jumped at the sound and looked around instinctively. The ramifications of being caught together and sneaking off Hogwarts ground sobered them immediately; dread and fear washed over them, sending their hearts sinking to their stomachs and fixing somber expressions to their faces. Remus was certain he had stopped breathing; Ella stared, panic stricken, as the beautiful blonde barmaid sauntered up to their table. 

With a jovial shake of her head, Madame Rosmerta called out, "Merlin's beard! It's been ages since I've seen you 'round these parts! And look who you've brought with you!" 

With a jovial shake of her head, Madame Rosmerta called out, "Merlin's beard! It's been ages since I've seen you 'round these parts! And look who you've brought with you!" 

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It took a few seconds longer than it ought for Remus to resume breathing, but he managed to put a nervous smile on his face as Rosmerta approached their booth. She was hastily stuffing a cleaning rag into the pocket of her apron so that she could pull Remus into a friendly hug.

"It's got to be nearly a decade since I've seen you in me pub!" 

Remus glanced away from the barmaid for a moment, as if silently trying to do the calculations in his head. He nodded slowly before answering, "I think it'd have to be about twelve years now." 

"You're still trying to corrupt the youth of Hogwarts, so you can't have changed too much," Rosmerta joked, gesturing back to Ella.

Remus gave out a breathy chuckle as the blonde pulled Ella into a tight squeeze. From a brief peak into Rosmerta's mind, Ella discovered the barmaid was a keeper of secrets far more juicy than a teacher and a student stowing away for a fresh drink. Sensing the Rosmerta was no snitch, she relaxed into the woman's embrace as Remus eased himself into his seat.

"Oh, you should have seen this one in his prime, Ella. He and his friends could keep the counter entertained for hours just by retelling of the hijinks they got up to at the castle!" 

"We felt like kings." Remus gave a true smile at the memory. "Though, I think holding the crowd went to our heads more than the whiskey," he added with a hearty laugh.

"You should see him in class, Miss Rosie. He has all of the girls at the edge of their seats, just waiting for his praise," Ella divulged to the bartender. Both women shared a giggle while Remus' eyes widened at the insinuation; he was certain the his face flushed deeper than Gryffindor crimson.

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