Fuck You!❤️🧸(sebryan)

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Ryan was teasing Sebastian and it kinda led to a fuck you and I think Ryan took that to serious 🧐 anywaysss

All the boys were sitting in the living room Sebastian was laying his head on his brother while Ryan was sitting the arm chair away from the boys on his phone

Sebastian was talking to Kane about who knows what
Ryan decided to strike up a conversation with Oliver which got everyone's attention

"Oliver do u mind switching seats?"
Ryan asked so he can sit next to Sebastian
Oliver asked hugging his brother

Ryan didn't have a reason for but with a little bit of thinking he realized he can get some teasing out of this

Ryan with a smirk said
"Oh because Sebastian will die if he isn't with me"

"AYE YO" darren said
Sebastian blushed really hard , that wasn't true
"That's not true!" Sebastian said laughing

"I guess ur right but Sebastian can I come back?"
Ryan asked
Which left everyone confused even Sebastian
"What do you mean?"

"I mean can I come back to the room because u kicked me out bc I tried to give you some he-"
Justin screamed and looked at Sebastian who was blushing red
everyone was saying ooooooooo and Ryan just smirked
"That's not true I swear yooo" seb put his face in his knees to hide
Oliver rubbed his back while chuckling

"Chill man I'm just teasing" Ryan said
"You still wanna switch with me ?"
"Sure why not"

Ryan and Oliver switch seats and Ryan just smirked seeing Sebastian scooted a little further away from him

Few moments later

Oliver was discussing video ideas with everyone and seb was still scooted away from Ryan bc he was still "mad" at him for earlier

When Oli was talking Ryan decided to tease Sebastian again and he pulled seb into his lap
Seb let out a yelp and stared at Ryan dead in his eyes

Reggie pointed them out and Sebastian tried getting up by pushing off of Ryan but Ryan wouldn't let go

Justin and Kane were laughing at Ryan teasing and Sebastian was blushing like crazy
But he managed to calm down a bit

Darren was making jokes abt them to and saying how Ryan should just fuck Sebastian already
"Good idea Darren I should do that" Ryan said looking over at Oliver who just made a "😒" face and then said

"I don't think so!" Oliver said
Ryan shrugged his shoulders and looked over to seb who still in his lap now trying to hide his face in Ryan's neck from embarssment

(What the hell are u doing) Sebastian says to Ryan

"Don't worry babes u look adorable any shape or form" Ryan said out loud

Sebastian began laughing at Ryan and his stupidity

(quit teasing me) seb says
(But I thought u liked it?) Ryan says to Sebastian

"Oooo they flirting" Darren said
"Oh don't worry seb they both gonna take u" Ryan said

Seb got to fluster yet annoyed from what Ryan said he got out his hold and before he left the room he said
"Fuck me,wait no Fuck you , wait yeah fuck You Ryan!"
Seb blushed even more from what he said and left to go to Justin's car bc why tf not

"Damn he actually left" Reggie said
"better go find him and fix this shit" Oliver said to Ryan

Ryan sighed and went to go find Sebastian

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