Hall Of Warriors

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As I followed the palanquin up the stairs, I thought about are situation, sure me and Po have dreamed of becoming Kung Fu worriers, but not like this, I felt my mind begin to fill with questions.

'Why us? Why would Master Oogway choose us over the Five? They are way more experienced and skilled then us, especially Tigress, they have had years of training whilst I have only been teaching myself for a few  years, but if Master Oogway believes that I'm worthy of being The Lotus Warrior, then I'm going to do my best and work my damn hardest, I promise I won't let you down Master Oogway'

We soon made it to the palace after a long clime up the stairs. The doors opend and I followed the pigs who were now struggling to carry Po inside. I watched as they tipped my brother out of the palanquin and onto the floor.

"Wait a second!"

He said as the pigs and geese bowed and scurried backwards as the doors closed.

"I think there's been a slight mistake. Everyone seems to think that were, uh..."

"Um Po"

Po slowly turned around a look if awe on his face as he realised were we are.

"Ooh! The Sacred Hall Of Warriors! No way! Look at this place"

"It's amazing"

(Gasp) "Y/n look! It's Master Flying Rhino's armor with authentic battle damage!"

"Whoa" I said whilst looking at the armer and all the dents and scratches that were on the metal, my attention was soon drawn away as my eyes spotted a certain sacret sword, I excitedly ran over.

"Oh no way! Po you got to see this!"

"Whoa! The Sword Of Heros!"

"Yep, it's said to be so sharp you can cut yourself just by looking, also legend has it that the sword is enchanted, and that it will choose someone who is deemed worthy to be it's new master"

"Whoa really"

"Yeah and it's said that it will fly into the air and into its new masters hand whilst also changing it form"

"That's so cool! How do you now all this"

"I read Po, a warrior must not just be strong in body but in the mind too"

"Oh, I got to star reading more, Ow!"

"Did it cut you?"

"Yeah, but I'm okay...(Gasp) look The Invisible Trident Of Destiny!"

"Wow, so it really is Invisible"

We continue wondering around till we spotted the paintings on the wall.

"I've only seen paintings of that painting"

"I have to say, it's way more beautiful than the copies"
Soon Po started to run around looking at each artifact whilst happily laughing until he spotted an urn.

"No! Ho, ho, ho! The legendary Urn Of Whispering Warriors. Said to contain the souls of the Tenshu Army"

"Yeah right, there's no way you can fit the souls of an intier arm into that small urn"

(Whispers) "Hello"

"Have you two finished sight-seeing?"

(Gasp) "Sorry we should have come to see you first"

"My patience is wearing thin"

"Oh, well, I mean, it's not like you were going anywhere"

I turn to see Master Shifu holding a flute behind his back whilst looking at us with an unamused look on his face.

"Uh Po"

"Would you turn around?"

"Sure. Hey. How's it going? How do you get 5,000...Master Shifu!"

Po said it surprise whilst he knocked of the urn, thinking fast I leaped forward and caught it just in time before it could hit the ground.

"Phew, Po! You need to be more carful, this is a priceless artifact"

I said putting the urn back on its stand.

"Sorry sis"

"So you two are the legendary Dragon and Lotus warriors, hmm?"

"Uh, we guess so"

"Wrong! You two are not the legendary warriors! You two will never be warriors until...you have learnd the secrets of the Dragon and Lotus Scrolls"

He said whilst pointing up at the ceiling where a Dragon statue was holding two scrolls.

"Whoa. So um, how does this work? Do you have a ladder? A trampoline or?"

"Hehe, you think it's that easy? That I'm just going to hand you two the secrets to limitless powers!"

"No!, no, we were just-"

One must first master the highest level of Kung Fu. And that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you two"

"Someone like us?"

"Yes, look at you! This fat butt" (Wack)


"Flabby arms!" (Wack)

"Ouch! Those are sensitive in the flabby parts"

(Wack) "And this ridiculous belly"


"And utter disregard for personal hygiene, and you!"
He said whilst making his way over to me.

(Wack) "These weak arms!" (Wack) "Weak legs!"

"Ow! Hey knock it off!"

"and those ridiculous eyes"

He was about to wack me on the head but I blocked it using my are, I hissed from the stinging pain whilst Master Shifu looked at me shocked but he quickly recovered and lowered his flute.

"Ahem, but you seem to have some potential, unlike your brother"

"Now, wait a minute. That's uncalled for"

"Don't stand that close, I can smell your breath"

"Listen, Oogway said we were..."

Suddenly Master Shifu grabbed Po's finger with his thumb and forth thinger whilst keeping his pinky up, I instently knew what move that was.

(Gasp) "The Wuxi Finger Hold. Not The Wuxi Finger Hold!"

"Oh no, not that!"

"Oh, you two know this Hold?"

"Developed by Master Wuxi in the Third Dynasty. Yes"

"Oh. Then you two know what happens when I flex my pinky"

(Gasp) "No, no!"

"Please no!"

"You know the hardest part is? The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards, hehe"

"Ok, ok, take it easy"

"Now listen closely, Panda, Human. Oogway may have picked you both, but when I'm through with you, I promise you, you're going to wish he hadn't! Are we clear?"

"Yeah, we're clear. We're so clear"

"Yeah, crystal"

"Good, hehe, I can't wait to get started"

Master Shifu released Po's finger to my relief, but as I helped Po up he pumped into the stand with the urn and knocked it off, it smashed to pieaces and let out a sound like screaming, shocked we quickly followed Master Shifu through the palace hoping that he didn't see.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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Kung Fu Panda The Lotus Warrior Tigress X Human ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now