part four of four

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Captain's kate's inside shouts mel leading them both indoors .
Once inside unit headquarters and sealed in kate addresses her team .
What are we dealing with she's asks jack prodding his back with a sonic device.
Easy replies jack and it's the ice warriors .
Are they running the death lotto asks kate .
The certainly appear to be ma'am replies sam .
The ice warriors won't give up easily says donna walking into the room.
No they won't agrees shirley
The big question is how do you have a sonic screwdriver jack addresses kate.
I acquired it from the doctor that's all Im willing to say says kate sharply.
Fair enough smirks jack winking secretly at sam.
Sam winks secretly back at his secret husband .
How do we stop the ice warriors then asks josh .
Can we freeze them asks donna .
I don't think so says shirley.
But they are ice warriors says donna rather irritated.
Doesn't always work like that miss noble says jack with a flirty smile which donna returns back .
Outside the unit base on the landing platform osgood lands by private jet and comes inside the base .
Nice to see you again osgood mel says politely .
And you mel replies osgood .
What do you have for us interrupts kate taking complete charge .
Ma'am the ice warriors can be stopped but only by one man replies osgood .
The doctor Im guessing replies jack .
You would be guessing right replies osgood .
At that very moment in walks the 15th  doctor swagging his hips as he moves .
Doctor exclaims kate.
Hello miss stewart says the doctor beaming brightly .
But how asks kate .
Well you did leave me 50 voicemails in two hours kate so I figured it must be serious replies the doctor .
Oh yes sorry about that says kate rather embarassed.
Oh get away with you says the doctor smiling.
He turns to jack and sam and smiles and how are the newlyweds before either of them can reply kate butts in with a sharp glare .
Oh I'm so sorry I didn't realise noone knew apologies the doctor .
Well doctor everyone does now replies jack glaring.
Yes my bad sorry replies the doctor .
It's fine doctor answers sam and then he turns to kate sorry ma'am I would have said but I didn't think you would approve .
It's fine sam replies kate we have bigger things to deal with than this but we will be having a chat later .
The doctor butts in sharply sorry to interrupt but ice warriors he says making everyone pay attention to him now .
Yes quite right doctor agree both donna and shirley .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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