Chapter 1

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I regret every choice I've ever made. I regret every conversation I've had. I regret everything.

These were my thoughts as my boat sank. I stood on the mast as the boat sank. It seemed that bailing did you no good when the water was coming in through a hole the size of a tennis ball.

My fault. It seemed everything was.

The only good news was the fact that I was coming up on Tortuga, the home of pirates. My home. The mast was almost in the water fully when I stepped off and onto dock. Maybe the only good thing to come off of this was that I wouldn't have to pay for a sunken ship to be docked.

I slunk from shadow to shadow with practiced ease, no one noticed me ever come or go. I was invisible. I didn't exist.

The whole place smelled of whiskey and sweat. It smelled so refreshing. I entered the bar which was worse then outside and the smell lifted my spirits. I sat down at the dirty bar and set a few coins on the table.

I barmaid asked what I wanted and ordered myself some rum, my favorite. When the barmaid turned my fingers slipped into her pockets and pulled back the coins I had just given her, no sense in wasting them. I also made sure all my long brown hair was tucked under my cap, no one could know my secret.

When I got my glass of rum I snuck to my table, the one tucked in the corner where no would notice me, I hoped. I took a deep sip that burned down the throat and sighed, wiping off with my arm the rum on my face.

I sat there for a long time content while listening to other's conversations when I saw someone look at me and point. They began to stalk over here, eyes filled with something I could not decipher, that scared me.

I pulled my hat down as they sat next to me. "Anything I can help you with, boys?" I kept my tone even, I wouldn't let them hear my fear. I took the moment to take in what they looked like. All three had scraggly beards and sunken faces from so long at sea, they wore the average clothes of a pirate and each carried a gun at their sides.

"Just looking for a place to sit," the one in the middle replied, obviously lying. He had a deep, scratchy voice that sounded like he had taken a sip of the ocean, not very smart.

I growled softly and rolled my eyes leaning forward and swiftly unsheathing a dagger and pushing it against his carotid artery. "I'm really not one for lies."

I heard two guns cock from the other two men sitting beside him, I was certain they're aimed at my face. "I wouldn't do that. By the time both of you fire your friend here will be dead. So let's all settle down talk about this like civilized pirates."

I heard the sound of the guns being put away and settled back in my seat. When I looked at the faces of the pirates I smirked slightly, they were all glaring. "So what can I help you with?"

"We're looking for a young lad that has a bounty on him, we saw you and you matched the description." The man too the left speaks this time, his voice is so high it would be laughable at any other time.

His statement caught me off guard and I struggle to say words. "I think you have the wrong pirate." There was no one on Earth that knew me, let alone put a bounty over my head. 

"The pirates name was... ah yes Captain Jack Sparrow!"

"He's wooking for a wad wif the wast name Wurner," The one who hasn't spoken says this with a lisp.

This catches me off guard. "Why would a pirate want this lad with the last name Turner?"

"Uh... something about reclaiming the Black Pearl."

That does it for me. I stand up quickly and hit my rum bottle over the head of one of them, kicking another in the head, and jumping over the last and out the door. I round the bar, down the street, and climb up to a second story window which my home is inside.

I sink to the floor of the wooden room. I rented the room from a friendly man down stairs. I was shaking, I pull my hat off and run my hands through my hair. 

My name's Anabelle Turner.

I lived with my father for a long time before he shipped me and my brother away, he gave us each a piece of Aztec gold and promised us it would be okay. I was thirteen at the time my brother seven. On our way to wherever he was sending us our ship was attacked by pirates and I was captured, by Pirates. 

It had been horrible. My brother, Will, was last seen drifting off unconscious on drift wood while I was dragged on board. They had touched me, raped me, and pushed me to the limits. Each day they threatened to kill me, but always left me around cause they said I was eye candy. After I saw broken I built myself back up and I learned to be just like them.

Three years later I warned them I would kill them all, and I did, then I escaped. Now I was free and it seemed pirates were after me once again. No matter how much running I did it seemed my father's choices would always haunt me.

I closed my eyes hard to stop tears from streaming. I didn't notice the ship with sails as dark as the abyss approaching Tortuga.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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