3: be ready

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Steady. Hold steady, calm, and straight.
My eyes and arms are becoming sore from holding aim this long. But, if I want to be the best that I can, then I'm going to need to improve every skill under my belt.

I do not want to be known as the little college girl up on that ship. I refuse to let anyone take this opportunity out of my hands.

It was almost last week that I told the dean my answer. I said yes. Although I'm nervous for what awaits me. I'm more worried about Theodicks involvement.

There's not much to say about him.

The only notable thing is that he will flip this opportunity to only benefit himself.

Anytime see we've been forced to partner together, it's always been him who's come out on top. Being a man, he's takes it to his full advantage.

He butters up the higher ups, makes misogynistic jokes, catcalls me in front of others so he can fit in...

He is the embodiment of why I found this job. And the reason why I have pushed myself to be as good at this as I am.

Saying yes at first was difficult. Not in the sense that I was worried about leaving this physical world behind me.

I have no here to support me. No one here to notice me. No one here to cherish me. No one here to love me.

The only person that actually understands me to some extent has the privilege of also being invited into this opportunity.

In some ways, I look to him as family.

I do hate him. Do not get that twisted.

But he's the only person who's ever been around me long enough and that I trust enough to understand me.

It's not out of choice, obviously. But it's better than no one. And it's most definitely better than my parents.

I believe that everyone needs someone to look to. In times of need, you need someone that knows you well enough - however flawed it may be - to push you to overcome and be better than yourself.

Despite my hatred for him, he is good at this. A natural born talent. So if anyone were to be in that ship with me, even though everything inside of me wishes it would be some nobody, I'm glad it's him.

He's someone that I can rely on, someone that I know that can aim and shoot, and someone that will have my back out on the field.

That's another thing I'm going to need to adjust to.

This school has taught us through every single class, test, and lecture, to attack and to protect as a single body. Every man and woman for themselves.

And although after this mission, I will still hold that mindset, it seems that I'll need to alter it if I want to make something of myself here.

Me and him will need to work together. I just don't know if he's aware of that yet.

Fingers held on the trigger, I press. Releasing the bullet at exactly 805 mph. It's almost a science. The speed, and the launch of bullet will never change. No matter how off my aim might become it will always shoot at that speed and in the direction I place it.

I shoot again. And again. And again. Again. Again. Again.

The sound is almost intoxicating. It's a rhythm, it's a heartbeat, it's a drum.

My body relaxes. This is where I'm at focus.

The world has never been simple. For me, it's always been complicated, messy, and unpredictable.

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