Chapter 2- Opening A Door

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Topaz loved to sleep. It was her thing. She loved that she felt unreal things, and in the morning, the day started over.

Her dreams were scary, but she could handle it. This night, Topaz dreamed of a dying girl and a crumbling cave, but she stayed calm. After all, Topaz is a ninja. Things like that are not exciting her.

She woke up to her stomach. With a sign, Topaz rose to sit on the bed, stretched out, and got out of bed. She loosened her muscles in her way to the bathroom.

She closed her eyes before getting her. She wanted first to brush her teeth, and she knew that she won't do it if she saw how she looked first at all.

Her reflection wasn't telling good. Topaz sent her finger and touched one of her eyelids. It was expanded than usual.

"You cried when I came back", said Temari from the door.

"About what?"

Temari looked at her anxiously. "You said you were in pain. Did you get hurt?"

Topaz shocked her head. "Maybe I get hurt in the dream. It was so real", she suggested.

Temari nodded in understanding. "Oh... yeah. It can be. Well, I guess you lost since you cried?

Topaz blinked twice. "I am not the dying girl".
She never thought about her dreams seriously, so talking about them made her feel weird. "But I wanted her to win".

"Who was her rival?"

Dying girl, crumbling cave. There was a fight. The rival was ninja. Strong ninja. "It was the Hokage".

Temari's eyebrows jumped. "The Hokage? From Konoha?" Topaz nodded, and Temari smiled. "Don't worry about those ninjas! You saw yesterday how Gaara scared them, don't you? They are easy. Today, the Chunin Exam will start, and we all win - you see".

Topaz ran to her older sister and hugged her. Temari replied. "Get dressed and then come to the kitchen. We will eat and after that we will go meet the other", she said some minutes to the hug.

Topaz dressed up like she asked, in her dark purple training clothes, and went to the kitchen.

On the table, there was a burnt omelet. Temri was never good at cooking.

Topaz smiled and sat down to eat. She didn't really have a right to complain. Their ability in cooking was kind of the only thing that proved they were connected in their blood.

"When we will go?" She'd asked with a full mouth.

Temari, who already ate, sat on the ground and arranged her huge fan, or how Temari called it: Giant Folding Fan. "After you finish to eat".

Topaz filled her mouth with what was left and swallowed. "Let's go!"

"Already?" Temari asked in surprise. She got up and glued the fan to her back by chakra. "Our rooms are a little far", Temari said. She took the key to the room and opened the door. "So I told Kankuro that we will wait for each other in front of the building".

Topaz nodded. She took the second key and went up the stairs after her sister to the attic. The sky was bright, and the weather was a little cold.

They nodded to each other and then ran and jumped from building to other, using their chakra until they reached the exam's building. The boys who came with them ahead of them.

"Good morning, Gaara". Topaz greeted the first person she saw. Gaara stared at her for a moment, and them his eyes closed like he agreed.
Or at least she hoped it was like that. She took it happily, and her gaze turned to the others. "Good morning, Kankuro, Eren, Loren!"

They were two squads, but more like one. Topaz was a sister to the other teammates' squad, sp she was sure they would protect her like for themselves, and Eren and Loren were Kankuro's friends.

The 6 teammates entered into the building, and it was dense of ninjas. in front of them, there was a long line. Gaara crossed it indifferently, so they walked after him.

Two ninjas stood in the room, entering the room, and laughed. Topaz remembered they needed to reach the third floor.

"It's the second floor", she whispered to Gaara. He raised his eyebrow, like he was surprise that she was proud of herself.

Topaz soured her face. "Well, not everyone is awesome like you, big brother!" She whispered sarcastically. Gaara didn't reply. He turned to the stairs and like before the other went after him.

Baki was in front of our entrance door. "Remembered your mission!"
They all except of Gaara rolled their eyes. Topaz was surprised that Loren did it, too. She wondered how much his black bird leaving affected him.

Baki moved from the door and let Topaz open it.

Hope you like it! (I did (I know it's different I just kidding!  (still like it)))

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