part 5

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The next morning i woke up and i went straight on my phone to text amerie and asking if she's okay after the incident last night ,scrolling through my notifications i see one from the most least expected person i could imagine to text me i didn't even think i had his number

hey are u okay

i was hesitant to reply but i couldn't leave the boy hanging so unlocked my phone and decided to reply.

yes are u

he replied almost instantly asif he was waiting for my reply.

im good, just wanted to check on you since you left in a hurry last night.

i was confused as to why he was texting me, i didnt know how i feel but he makes me feel different to how any other boy has made me feel, he may be a dick however i see a completely different version of him.

before i knew it, it was time to get ready for school and hear about all the gossip that happened after i left the party.walking through the gates with amerie we saw harper and dusty speaking together. "how did that go last night anyways" i asked her whilst pointing to them both "well she tried saying she didn't mean to and it was a mistake" amerie replied i nodded my head not believing what harper said to amerie, i don't know what amerie did but getting her revenge with dusty was more than enough.

me and amerie were walking towards the SLTs classroom to meet darren and quinny they were already under the table, me and amerie dropped our bags and crawled underneath the table,we was staring at the dusty and harper had hooked up. darren pointed to the table whilst saying  "maddy come here now" i rushed over to where darren was looking and it was my name next to spiders i was so confused we didn't even hook up it was only a kiss . "we didn't hook up i swear" i said whilst putting my hands up in surrender. "then why's your name with his" amerie questioned whilst smirking. "right we kissed at dustys party but that was it i promise." i knew they wouldn't have liked that i kissed spider because come on he's a dick to everyone but i believe he just puts it on as an act. "someone has a crush on spider" amerie says whilst shaking my shoulders, i laughed at her response not knowing how to feel and im not sure what my feelings are towards spider.quinny grabbed her pen as she wrote quinny+sasha in a heart. " sorry what?"
"we're in a relationship,obviously." quinny replied.
"after hooking up once that's so textbook lesbian of you" i replied whilst laughing getting up from underneath the table to sit on top of it with amerie. "well me and amerie are never ending up on that map again." maddy said. "romance is dead to us" amerie agreed with me. "i was obsessed with dusty for like a bajillion years and for what i just ended up completely humiliated im an idiot." she continued to rant on "amerie there is plenty more fish in the sea im sure if dusty was into you he would've got with you in the space of 5 years." i stated "harsh but true" she replied. "personally i think malakai has his eyes on you he's always looking at you and talking to you despise you being known as the map bitch."she hummed in response.darren jumped off the table whilst saying. "besides what's the alternative stitch up your mutts?" they said to us both. "yeah i could work with that."i replied  "basically i don't even want to think about boys or sex or dicks for the next however long it takes me to feel normal again, i'm not even gonna mazz." amerie ranted on. "well amerie that's were you've lost me your in this on your own" i said. " well how does someone not think about sex" quinny questioned amerie " i don't know ill just train myself yeah slap myself everytime i get a thought" she answered. "that will be so embarrassing" i laughed whilst saying.

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