Chapter Eight: Ryan (Nostras)

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"The kindest hearts bear the harshest weights.
- Matthias Reyes, a royal tutor.

Prince Ryan Desher held a babe close to his chest and rocked it to sleep, a gentle hum of a lullaby on his lips.

The second prince of Namiona was a man who had witnessed twenty-three summers come and go, yet his face kept the boyish charm of his childhood days. His eyes, unlike his brother's, were a much lighter shade of blue, a light periwinkle shade. Willowy with the characteristic silver hair of his house, Ryan Desher had never yielded a weapon in his life.

There had always been talk amongst the lords about the effeminate prince. How he was less of a man than them, yet such talks did not bother Ryan. He was certain that those lords never knew the joy of holding a child against their chests, the warmth of their innocence washing off the worries of the day.

"When will you let her down, Ryan?" Kaia, the royal governess and his lover, quipped. "By the gods, I swear I will fall asleep at this point."

Ryan smiled at Kaia's words. "She has not really fallen asleep. See how she twitches her eyelids?"

"You have some patience," Kaia shook her head, her auburn locks resembling the fiery haloes of the fire dancers during their performances at the new year. "Someday you will leave us nurses and midwives unwaged."

"Oh no, that is something I would not dare to do," Ryan chuckled. "But she is my sister. Should I not care for her? Remus used to do the same when I was an infant." He traced circles on the rosy cheeks of the babe, nostalgia in his gaze.

Kaia sighed. "I wonder what His Grace is doing. The palace feels like a stifling prison without his presence."

"I am certain that brother is doing well. He with Princess Maysa, after all. They have been friends for the longest time," Ryan replied. "Besides, it is not his duty to always heed to our needs, is it? He deserves some time of respite, too."

Kaia looked down at her dress, a deep burgundy, and straightened the pleats in it. Ryan continued to rock his baby sister as the two fell into a comfortable silence. The ivy outside the window of the nursery swayed, a companion to them in the night's quiet.

The nursery was dimly lit, with only two torches to illuminate the cosy space. Embers of a quelled fire lay in the hearth. Opposite the window upon a plush bed slept the brunette twins, Aric and Alira, half-siblings to Remus and Ryan. Beside them on a wooden chair sat Kaia while Ryan was beside the window with his sister, the latest addition to the family whom they knew not what to name.

They did not expect her to be here; she resulted from a night of anger, her birth a hushed affair which had nearly claimed the life of their mother.

No, I would not think about it. He closed his eyes to drive away the screams of her mother that still echoed in his ears. His father's lashes, which he was too terrified to stop. And then there was Remus's voice, a low timbre which promised retribution.

"If you dare to do this again to my mother, I will forget that I am your son."

No. That night was no fault of his little sister. How could she have known that the circumstances of her birth would be so wretched? Like her brothers, she was innocent. There was nothing they could do as long as their father wore the crown. For he had forgotten all the distinction between his family and his subjects.

A rap at the door broke Ryan's chain of thoughts. He opened his eyes and asked,

"Who is it?"

"Open the door, Ryan."

It was the mellow voice of his mother. He set the babe upon a crib before walking towards the door to open it. Kaia, who had fallen asleep, jolted awake. She stood up as the queen consort of Namiona, Philomena, entered the nursery, her demeanour one of utter resignation.

"Your Highness." Kaia bowed.

"Mother," Ryan said. "What brings you here at this hour?"

Philomena went to sit at the foot of the bed. "I could not sleep. Being with all of you calms me."

Her eyes flitted once over the crib before resting on the serene faces of the twins. Despite not being the one who birthed them, Philomena held nothing but love in her heart for them. In truth, she was incapable of giving anything but love.

The mother of the princes was a woman of a tall stature with slender fingers and luscious silver-gold hair that could rival the maidens of the realm. Yet once, when her cheeks were full, they were now bony and her eyes sunken. Beneath the ruffled sleeves of her attire she hid bruises upon her delicate skin, like bouquets of some exotic flowers. Gifts from the man she was bequeathed to.

Ryan kneeled by her side. "You can tell us, mother, what plagues your mind. Is it something father has done again?"

"It is not something that Ayan has done," Philomena shook her head. "Rather what I fear he might do."

"What do you fear so much?"

"The annual council is due within a week, Ryan."

Ryan nodded. He had forgotten all about it; the annual council of the lords. Held twice, once at the start of the new year and once at its end, the heads of all noble houses of Namiona arrived at the capital to engage in discussions with the king. For the past decade, Remus had presided over it on the behalf of their father. Yet this year would be different owing to Lysa's Trellis's disappearance, which was keeping Remus engaged.

"Ayan has been indulging too much in drinks," Philomena bit her lip. "He has been rambling about treason and treachery. The servants are so scared that they refuse to serve him food. I fear what he will do during the council."

"My lady, we must hope for the best." Kaia put an arm on the queen's shoulder. "The council might proceed with no hindrance. Perhaps we are being afraid for no reason."

"Oh sweet Kaia, you do not understand. Whenever Ayan has been behaving like this, he has brought a storm into our lives. Nothing but storms." Her eyes strayed once more towards the crib where her youngest child lay.

Ryan clasped his mother's hands on his own. Her hands were now veiny and calloused, unlike the softness he remembered from his childhood. "We will find a way, mother. We always have, have we not?"

Philomena nodded as Ryan stood up to sit beside her. He put his arms around his mother and intertwined his fingers with that of Kaia's, whose hand still rested on Philomena's shoulder. The three states like that for a while, united in the face of uncertainty as they had forever been.

Around them, the children slept, their smiles untouched by the worries and fear that plagued their adult counterparts. The night was hushed save for the soft coos of the infant, as if it ruminated over the unknown fates of the huddled royals. As for Ryan, he held no other wish in his heart, save for one. He wished Remus was there with them at that moment.

"Come back soon." Ryan leaned against his mother and whispered into the shadows.


Children of Fire and Sun: The Rebellion (Novella Version) ✓Where stories live. Discover now