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Adriana Thatcher

I felt my heart racing, i cant tell my surroundings anymore, every single thing around me is moving in a blur.

i reached a corner and turned myself into a alley way without even thinking, its like my body is moving itself.

i can hear the echoing of his steps behind me, his friends behind me too, everyones voices are drowned out.

"Get back here!" Harry screamed, his steps where long, his friends running behind him. I reached a dead end, i stopped at the fenced wall and flung myself around to see them.

Harry had anger in his eyes, you can see it. i was terrified. As soon as he reached me he grabbed me.

i wanted to scream for help, i couldn't. i physically couldn't scream for help, the world felt like it was closing in on me.

"Leave me alone!" my voice strained as i screamed, tears streamed down my face as he ran closer.

As soon as he caught up to me his hands when around my neck, almost restricting my breathing, panic ran through my veins as i stared at his ocean eyes.

"You know i can't do that angel." His words seeped into my head, i don't know how to feel about him.

"Why.. Harry please let me go, i won't tell anyone what you did!" He chuckled as his friends caught up to him. The blonde one, Niall, looked over and said smugly "Should i go get the car Harry?"

Harry looked over and nodded as his grip on my neck loosened. My body kept shaking as i sat against the wall with tears in my eyes still.

Harry was smoking a cigarette, he put the filter to his mouth and lit the other filter with a lighter. The other two brunettes were talking but i couldn't hear them.

Purple and Blue marks started to appear on my neck, it hurt to touch. it hurt to do anything now, why did i agree to this? why is this happening?

i need to get the fuck outta here.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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