Time With Donnie Part One

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Ok, ok so this might have cussing, kissing, sex related things, and confession in it if you don't like it LEAVE, ok? Have fun reading!


   It hads been months sense you met the turtle's, they had aranged for you to learn training with Leo. A few weeks ago you had caught feelings for a genius turtle. You started to see signs if love in Donnie paying more attention to him, he always trys to make you laugh, would constantly stare at your lips, and most of all he would try to help you in anyway possible, you need to open a door he is there to help, need to go get food he got it. He also acts differently when he was with you, more nervous and stutters when he talked to you. You are going to the lab to work, sense it was your turn because Donnie started work first. Your wings are hidden. You knocked on the lab door. 

   "Come in!" You head Donnie say in a kind of a raspy voice. You entered the room.

   "Hey, Donnie its time for your break and for me to work now," you had shut the door because he usually stayed in the room. Donnie turned around, he looked different almost like he was sick. "Are you ok, Don?" He got up from his chair and walked up to you, very close. You steped back, you thought you were in the way of the door and he was just going to leave but, he didn't he just got closer. "Uhh, D-Donnie can you back up, p-please?" You steped closer to the wall he steped closer to you, you are up against the wall, he was still really close to you. He grabed your waist with both hands, "ep, D are you o-" he kissed you pushing you up against the wall more. You moved your hands to his neck. After a few minutes of him kissing you he moved his hands down to your ass squeezing it before picking you up, "ehh" he kept kissing you after.

   "I want to fuck you so hard right now," he said with a seductive voice. You could feel something hard where your thighs are. A shiver washed through your body. Donnie smiled, he started to explore your mouth with his tongue. in between kisses he kept saying in a seductive voice, "I love you~, Y/n." 

   He moved you to the bed placed you on the bed got on top of you and started to kiss you mor-



   "Y/N!" Donnie snaped his fingers in your face, "You zoned out, again. Do you need a break?" He said with a concerned tone. You had done it, you zoned out into the fantasy land you made up for the like the fiftieth time, "Also, are you getting sick your face is red." Donnie stated again.

   "N-no I'm not getting sick, just thinking," damn he is so hott~, you thought.

   "Whatch' you thinking about?"

   'You, handsome~' you said in your mind,"nothing to your concern," you weren't going to say nothing important because that was just not true. He ran most of the systems they have, and he was and still is hott as fuckk.

  "Ok, you should get some rest you seem tired, "Tried of you not kissing me, you thought.

   "Is'nt there a announcement today, that you have to do?" You stated in a matter of factly voice.

   "Oh, shit I completely forgot about that," Donnie said. He got up and you followed him to the main area,"ok, you stand in the crowd will I go up there." 

   "Ok, I will see you later!" You waved bye to him and went into the crowd. A few minutes later.

   Donnie says,"Hello, please quit down... thank you, I would like to make a announcement, ok we need four people that can go with me to the other base to be backup and help the other base, does anyone want to go?" Some people rased their hands. "Ok we have enough people please come up to the back stage so we can talk and everyone else you can do the things you were doing, thank you for your time!" Donnie went back stage, you and the others came too. When everyone was there. "Ok so we will go tom- Y/n what are you doing here?"

   "Oh, I can to help! You know if you get hurt I can lead them to the other base, sense I know you way around and I can carry you," 

   Sigh,"ok, I guess that makes sense," he continued from where he left off,"we will go tomorrow at 2:00 pm so be ready to go tomorrow, say bye to your family, partner and friends," they left leaving to go pack and say their byes. You and handso- Donnie walked to your bedrooms, all of the work was done. When you got to your bedroom you started to pack. The next day, 1:45 pm.

   Everyone is ready to go,"ok lets roll out!" Donnie said. Everyone followed Donnie a few minutes into the walk. 

   You said,"Hey, Donnie"

   "Yes? Y/n"

   "Is that the Krang or a building?" You ponted over to the right.

   "Uhh, maybe lets just avoid that spot to be safe." Donnie said whispering,"ok, so it looks like the Krang is over there so lets be more quit and avoid that spot."

   "WHAT, THERE IS WH-"Donnie pounced on the person. But it was to late the Krang heard them and ran to the sound.

   "Donnie wach out!" You made your wings visable and sheilded him causing your wings to get injured you picked up all four of them and flew up,"h-holed on to to m-me y-yo-you do-don't want to-to fal-fall." They clung to you causing you to grone in pain.

   "Oh, my god, Y/n are you ok?" Donnie said in a worried voice.

   "Sa-save your en-energy-gy D-donnie, you will need it-t" you flew up higher to get out of sight. You landed on a skyscraper, almost droping everyone in your arms. "H-here, we can try-y to get do-down from-m h-her-re." You coughed, Donnie was helping you stand.

   Donnie said,"I'm going to carry you Y/n, ok?"

   "Th-thats o-ok w-with me-e," you said. A hour later they were at the other base.

   Donnie asked the main person at the base,"do you guys have stuff for stiching?"

   "Sorry, we don't you would have to go to west base"

   'Shit' you thought,"hey D we c-could al-lways go ba-back to-to the b-base we ca-ame from-m" you suggested to him.

   "Ya, ok sure we can he said without a hint of sarcasm," and with that said you mutants left to go back to the main base. At the entrance of the base,"uhh, how am I going to open the door? Without hurting you." Donnie added knowing that you would say something like 'put me down ON MY BACK to get into the base'.

   "Aww, man ho-ow did-d yo-ou know wh-hat I wa-as going to s-say? Anyway I can o-open the d-door for-for you-u"

   "Oh, ok please open the door." You opened the door and he went in, closed the door, and sprented to the medbay, he put you stomach down on the bed and ran a scan on your wings.


Word count; 1206

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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