Chapter 30 - Unravel (the end)

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Nichole's voice cracked the sheet of protection around Eleanor, her tone tinged with concern as she broached the topic that had been weighing heavily on her mind. "Eleanor, I've been... I've been meaning to speak with you about... something."

            Eleanor's brow furrowed with confusion at Nichole's sudden serious demeanour. "What is it, Nichole?"

            "I... I um could not help but overhear a conversation you have had with the vicar. And... it forming some clarity upon your illness. Eleanor.. the daily nauseousness... I'm worried that you might be expecting."

            Eleanor sat still, her breath caught in her throat as her eyes widened in shock at the unexpected revelation. A rush of emotions surged through her, overwhelming Eleanor to where she could no longer distinguish them.

            "I... I'm truly at a loss of words," Eleanor stammered, her grip on her dress tightened as she grappled with the implications of Nichole's words. "It's true that I have been feeling unwell, but to think... I mean surely it's impossible, isn't it?"

            Nichole placed a comforting hand on Eleanor's shoulder. "It's natural to feel overwhelmed, Eleanor. But we can't ignore the signs. If there's even a possibility..."

            Eleanor's thoughts overflowed and clashed with one another, as they exposed the images of her time with Nicholas. His large hand caressing every part of her body, whispering words of love and comfort.

            "But I have gotten better, I no longer feel ill. If I was to be with child, I should be showing. Right?" Eleanor spoke with haste, almost stumbling with her words. "Oh... my dresses do fit me differently. Oh Nichole, you don't think. I must just be eating more, I have been ever since... ever since I've been sick.." Eleanor's eyes welled with tears, "It's true, I have become polluted. What do I do?"

            Nichole knelt beside Eleanor, grasping her hand reassuringly. "Whatever the outcome, Eleanor you won't face it alone. We'll navigate this together, You shan't worry."

            With Nichole's steadfast support, Eleanor felt a glimmer of courage amidst her swirling doubts and fears. "Thank you Nichole, I might go ask for some much needed guidance from Paul... I mean the Vicar. He's been aware of my doings, and I can trust him."

            Nichole nodded in agreement, "I believe he's in his office, if you wish to talk to him."

            Eleanor then stood up and took deep shaky breath. Letting go of Nichole's grasp, she made her way out of the classroom, through the narrow corridor to meet a dark wooden door. The only thing between herself and the Vicar.

            She slowly raised her hand, and rapped the door three times.

            Knock Knock Knock

            "Come in" she heard Paul say faintly, as the door muffled his kind voice.

Letting herself in Eleanor closed the door behind her, and turned to meet Pauls gaze. His eyes crinkled as he smiled to greet her. But quickly turned to concern as soon as he saw Eleanor's expression.

            "Eleanor? Is everything alright? I'm here if you need me" His voice enveloped Eleanor, holding her, allowing her body to relax in its hold.

            "Sorry to disturb Paul... I... sorry."

            "Eleanor, look at me. What disturbs you?"

            "I... I have come to suspicion that I am to be expecting... Expecting a child" Eleanor fixated her gaze on the floor, noticing the worn edge of the rug placed in the centre of the office.

            "Please sit. How certain are you?"

            Eleanor then rambled on, unable to stop herself unravelling her thoughts, and placing them in the hands of the vicar. She explained in detail, how she no longer fits in her dresses as normal, her sickness and how it has calmed. Turning to Vicar Paul, she found solace in his steady presence, his compassionate gaze offering a glimmer of reassurance the uncertainty.

            "I should seek some guidance of a professional, but I'm not entirely sure on how I could do that." Eleanor murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of trepidation.

            Paul's expression softened with empathy as he reached out to gently clasp Eleanor's hand in his own. "I know a sister in the neighbouring village," he suggested softly. "She's exceptionally skilled in midwifery and could offer you the assistance and anything that you may require."

            Eleanor almost wept gratefully for the unwavering support she had here. "Thank you, Paul. I don't know what I would do without your guidance."

            Paul's gaze met hers, a warmth lingering in his eyes as he spoke softly. "Eleanor, there's something else I wish to discuss with you."

            Eleanor's heart skipped a beat, anticipation coursing through her as she awaited Paul's words with bated breath.

            Paul took a deep breath, his voice steady as he spoke with quiet resolve. "Eleanor, I care deeply for you. And in light of the circumstances... I find myself further compelled to offer you my hand in marriage."

            Eleanor's breath caught in her throat, her pulse quickening as the weights of Paul's words settled upon her. Marriage – a union born from compassion and camaraderie, forged in the fires of adversity and anchored by the bonds of love and devotion. Once a connection she has desired with Nicholas. And yet, here was a proposition she had never dared to envision, yet one that stirred a flicker of hope within her weary heart.

            "I don't know what to say, Paul," Eleanor whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I'm grateful for your offer, truly. But with so much uncertainty..."

            Paul reached out to gently caress Eleanor's cheek, his touch imbued with tenderness and understanding. "There may be uncertainty, Eleanor, but there is also hope. Hope for a future filled with love, companionship, and the promise of brighter days ahead. Together we can weather any storm that comes our way."

            Eleanor gazed into Paul's eyes, seeing within them a reflection of her own hopes and dreams. In that fleeting moment, amidst the tumult of emotions that swirled around her, Eleanor felt a glimmer of certainty -an unwavering conviction that, no matter what the future held, she would face it with courage, resilience, and the unwavering support of those who stood by her side.

The End


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I can't believe it is the end. This is going to be a series. I'm not a 100% sure when I am going to publish the second book.

But what I can tell you is it is going to be titled:

AmidstAdversity and Ardour

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