100 Followers: Q&A Part 2

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Thank you all so much for your support! Here is part 2 of my Q&A. Feel free to leave comments under my answers, and even ask more questions if you want!

From user WendyyWolfe:

"Do you prefer candies or cakes?"

An excellent question! I actually don't really enjoy cakes, thanks to a medical condition that causes my throat to react to the dairy inside the cake. I love candies with all my heart, and eat them almost daily!

From user WendyyWolfe:

"What is your favorite season?"

I love spring most of all! I love the slowly warming temperature, the melting snow, the early flowers, and the lack of bugs.

From user WendyyWolfe:

"Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?"

This is a difficult one for me. But I'm going to say sunsets. As a kid, I was allowed to play outside until the sun was out of sight, which usually meant an extra hour or two compared to my friends. Sometimes I'd just sit on my swing and watch the sun slowly descend from the sky.

From user Raven_Li:

"What is your favorite art style?"

I personally love art that has a mix of cartoon and manhwa styles! I'm not a great artist myself, but That mix of those two styles makes me smile every time I see it.

From user Raven_Li:

"What is your favorite music genre?"

It would probably be songs that have a combination of pop and rock, like "Hopelessly Devoted to You" and "The Dismemberment Song".

From user 0624Dragon:

"What is your worst fear?"

This is a question I'm not entirely sure how to answer. I think my greatest fear is losing my mother. I would be lost without her, she is my rock and anchor when times get tough. I wouldn't be where I stand today without her love and support.

From user PixieStixInMyCereal:

"Do you have any pet peeves?"

I do! I have a large pet peeve when people cannot keep the sound down on their devices. If you are right in front of a device, the sound can be at one or two clicks and you can still hear! And there's always the option of headphones.

From user PixieStixInMyCereal:

"What is your favorite song?"

"The Masochism Tango" By Tom Lehrer. The beat of the song is perfect, the melody is perfect, and the lyrics cut deep.

From user PixieStixInMyCereal:

"Who is your favorite band?"

"The Orion Experience" or "Tally Hall".

From user PixieStixInMyCereal:

"Who is your favorite singer?"

Cupcakke. She's a fantastic songwriter (her music is 18+).

From user JulianaPeterson9:

"What is your favorite animal?"

This is a really difficult one for me to answer, because I love all animals! But I'd have to say ferrets. I love their long snake-like bodies and fluffy fur, plus their adorable faces! I especially love that they wiggle into my coat for warmth on cold days.

From user JulianaPeterson9:

"What is your favorite color?"

GREEEEEENNNNN! I love the color green. It makes me feel alive and healthy, plus it's the most visible color on the color spectrum! The human eyes can see more shades of green than any other color.

From user JulianaPeterson9:

"Do you have depression?"

A few years ago, I did. But I fought an uphill battle, and now I can say with certainty that I am cured of it! No more depressive episodes for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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