Chapter 1: Childhood Friends

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Lily and Ethan's childhood was marked by endless adventures in their cozy neighborhood. Alongside Lily's older brother, Jake, they formed an inseparable trio, joined by Sarah, Lily's outgoing best friend, and Ryan, Ethan's loyal companion. Their days were filled with laughter and mischief as they explored the woods and dreamed of far-off lands.

"Race you to the old oak tree!" Ethan shouted, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

Lily grinned, her heart pounding with anticipation. "You're on!" she exclaimed, darting ahead with Jake close behind.

As they grew older, Lily's feelings for Ethan evolved, but she kept them hidden, afraid of ruining their friendship. Little did she know, Ethan harbored similar sentiments, but fear held him back from confessing his love.

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