Meeting sam and his mum.

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(America was suffering with a massive heatwave temperatures of 40 degrees. It was too hot to function.) As the night was rolling in and the temperature started to cool after a long hard day of school, Sam was on the way back from his brothers house. On the walk home he started to take in the glory of natures true beauty, admiring the flowers, the trees as the were swaying in the warm wind of Arizona. One truly beautiful flower stood out from the rest, it was an apple red colour. The flower looked as it was bleeding of how dark the reds were bleeding into one another. He found himself almost home, still admiring all of the nature but he shifted to admire the clouds and how they were drifting along the sky as if they were on their way home too. Sam approached he house that was coved in deep green vines that covered his house. (His house was a two story, 4 bed room) he approached the apricot coloured door and pulled out his keys, hearing his dog behind the door getting rather excited to greet him after a long day.

"I'm home" Sam said exhaustedly, sliding his shoes off at the door and putting them on the shoe rack that was so old that it looked like it was going to collapse any moment. Walking down the hallway, admiring all of the family photos on the wall giving the house character. Looking at the photos reminiscing the moments they all shared together,  one of him and his brother at the caravan when he was 5 and his brother 10. Coming back to reality he heard a light and familiar hum, it was his mother's. She was in the living room concentrating on her word search book that Sam got for her birthday a few months earlier, "hi my love how was your day?" She asked with a soft tone looking up at him with her beautiful green eyes that was the same pure colour as the green leaves in the Amazon rainforest, Sam peering down at her as he walked over to the couch and replied with "it was good, i got 84% on my maths paper!" He stated with excitement in his voice, as a smile crept onto his face with the achievement that he accomplished. His mum gave him a wide smile, as her crooked coffee stained teeth lit up the room. "Well done my beautiful boy, that deserves a take out of your choice" she said leaning over to him on the couch, and giving him a forehead kiss. Sam looked at his mum as she shifted back to her book, "can we get Burger King?" He said with a small smile on his face knowing that was his mum's favourite to eat, he didn't mind it that much he just loved watching his mum tucking in to her food and enjoying every last bit. She grinned and nodded as to say yes, Sam went upstairs to his room, collapsing onto his bed the feeling of his cold and crisp bed on his warm skin. He pulled out his phone opening Snapchat, receiving a snap from his brother, it was a video of his cat on his lap purring with the caption did you get home safe? Sam replied with a mirror selfie and saying yeah, me and mum are getting Burger King for dinner tonight🤩 he sent it and then swiped of the app and clicked the off button hearing the clicking noise when he turned it off.


Sam was talking to his mum about school and suddenly a moment that he forgot that helped that day came flooding back into his brain, "theirs a new boy that starting tomorrow, he in my year" Sam looked up at his mum as she was in her element she was stood right in the kitchen under the little light that was catching her eye colour every once a while. "That good honey, make sure to make him feel welcome transferring is a very triggering time for some one okay go wash up and get to bed" Sam said okay looking at the clock on the wall it said 10:30, he was tired any way. Walking up the stairs heading to the bathroom, brushing his teeth with his blue coloured tooth brush. (He's now in his room after he finishes his business) he flops onto his bed and puts on his sleeping playlist on Spotify. He soon starts to feel himself falling to sleep so he turns over and relaxes his muscles.

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