Met you in my dream (twice)

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I groaned, the constant movement of the car making me sick. Yesterday was the day me and my family would move away from Florida and to some boring state that's known for Mardi gras - and somehow, we still haven't made it there yet. My father keeps insisting that we'd make it in just a few more hours, but I'm starting to become sick of reading the same novel over and over again. Perhaps it would've helped if I didn't put the rest of them in my suitcase...

Suddenly, the car came to an abrupt stop; are we finally here? I peaked out of the window only to spot a dinghy gas station, and let out a huge sigh. Looking over my shoulder, I saw my younger brother doing his signature "gotta pee" dance. Him and my mom skipped out of the car, and wandered over to the gas station - leaving me with my father. My dad glanced at me from the rear mirror, his mustache slightly moving up.

"You okay back there, Ella?" He questioned, brushing his bald head back like he had any hair on top of it. I shifted in my seat, smoothing down the wrinkles on my shirt before exhaling quite loudly.

"Not really," I peered at my phone for a second, "why'd we have to move anyway?" My father cleared his throat, shaking his head. I knew why we had to move already. It was simply because we couldn't afford the house we were living in. I don't know why I keep asking this question.

"You already know why, El. I know it's hard to leave everything behind so suddenly, but you'll love it here." My dad ensured, turning around to flash me a quick smile. I just nodded my head, and resumed looking out my window - even though there wasn't anything to look at besides an old man with his butt crack hanging out. By now, my brother and mom had returned back to the car and we got back on the road.

Plugging in my headphones to my phone, I enticed my ears by playing some music. Closing my eyes, I listened. The music played nicely - the drums banged loud, followed by the smooth guitar rift, along with the soft piano notes. All of the sudden, the car stopped moving and all was still. Upon opening my eyes, I realized I was in an entirely new environment. The landscape was entirely white, and everything had no sound. Standing up, I began to walk around aimlessly - trying to get a clue on where I was.

After a while of walking in the white void, I ran into a girl who seemed as chill as ever. Her long hair was tied back into a ponytail, she had on a school jersey, and some khaki pants. She was enjoying a drink of orange soda and a refreshing snack of watermelon. She must've spotted me looking at her, because she turned to face me and waved. I waved back awkwardly, finding a bit of comfort in her appearance. I seriously thought I was just here by myself..

Feeling a bit talkative, I waddled over to the girl with a friendly look. The girl kept drinking on her orange soda which I was starting to think was never ending. When I approached, she peaked over at me once - then twice - then once more, seeming a bit more shocked than what she was at first.

"Woah," the girl paused looking at me, "you smell amazing!" Well damn, that was a huge ego boost for me! Nice to know I don't smell like absolute dog turds! My thoughts were cut off, as the girl who was just a few feet away from me became a few inches away from me. My face instantly lit up red, seeing how beautiful this random girl was. It was almost a shame I wouldn't see her after this.

"Hate to break your romantic daydreams," she giggled a bit, pushing her hair back, "but your eyes really call you out." I wondered what she was talking about - before a mirror magically appeared out of nowhere. Hearts? Freaking hearts? I HAVE HEARTS IN MY EYES? Before I gape at my eyes anymore, the girl taps on my shoulder.

"My name's Stella, you?" Stella questioned, holding her hand over to me for a handshake. I took it hesitantly, before responding back to her question.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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Dreaming of orange soda and freshly cut watermelonWhere stories live. Discover now