Chapter 3

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Daisy and Belle sat in their little hut in the clan wondering what was going to happen next. Time came back with a huge roast that was raw. It smelled like heaven when she sat it down on the little table in the living room.

"Have at it," said Time.

Belle looked at her and said, "But it's raw, we can not eat that."

Time said, "You are a cat you can eat raw meat and be fine."

Belle nibbled a little bit and decided it was not that bad. Daisy did the same thing and started eating it once she knew she liked it. Belle sat her piece of meat down to ask Time a question about her past to see if Time could help her out.

"So when I ran away, why did you follow me?" Belle asked Time.

"Because you were my best friend and I would never want something to happen to you," Time replied.

"If I was a part of this clan before, why haven't I changed since now?" Belle asked another question.

She looked at Belle and finally said, "It was your time, but they were going to change you painfully so that is why you ran."

Belle looked concerned wondering why she did not remember that. Time continued, "You don't remember because your parents took you away because they did not want that for you."

"How did my parents want it to be done?" I questioned.

She looked a little nervous about the question and finally replied, "Your parents wanted you to be comfortable like they were so that is why they took and hid you away from the clan, and then you ran to the city after they went missing and that is where I found you."

Belle could not believe this from her own eyes. Belle did not want to push Time any further so Belle did not ask about her parents and continued to eat her piece of meat. Daisy watched from the other side of the table and it looked like she felt sorry for Belle. Time looked over at her and said, "I never knew a wolf had deep feelings for a cat." Daisy replied, "She showed me how to be myself without having anything control me. At that moment, Belle knew she had gained another friend in her forgotten clan.

When the night rolled around, Belle started to feel pain again everywhere. Belle could not sleep in the bed without rolling all over. Her body was on fire and she kept sweating from head to toe. Daisy came into her room and asked if Belle was ok. Daisy saw Belle was sweating all over and motioned her to come outside. Time was also there because she said she heard Belle rolling around. They both took Belle outside to an isolated place away from the clan.

All Daisy said was, "Remember what I taught you on your first night."

Belle did as she was told and let everything happen to her once again. Belle finally realized her cat side had the same color of hair as its fur. It was a blonde shade with dark spots on it. Belle looked into a river and saw it had the same color violet eyes as her. Daisy as usual was the same orange wolf like her hair as well. Belle noticed a pattern every creature had with their human self. They both had the same hair color almost. Unlike her, Belle had spots on her werecat side. Belle looked over at Time and saw she was a black werecat with baby blue eyes that glowed in the moonlight.

Time finally said, "Let's go and get something to eat before we all start attacking each other." That made Belle wonder why she did not attack Daisy this time in her cat form.

Daisy noticed Belle was questioning something and asked, "What's up?"

Belle asked, "Why didn't I attack you this time."

Daisy replied, "You finally learn how to control this side."

Time chimed in, "What do you mean this side? She only has one side."

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