Chapter 1: The Digital encounter

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Aiza's Pov :

As the afternoon sun filters through my window, casting a beam of light across my dim room and with nothing much to do, I find myself sinking deeper into the comfort of my bed.

With a sigh, I reach for my phone, the glow of its screen illuminating the dim room.

As I scroll through my phone , I open the Discord app, scrolling through the endless stream of usernames and profiles.

Suddenly, one catches my eye-an intriguing account with a hint of mystery. Figuring I had nothing to lose and a bit of boredom to shake off.With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, I send a friend request to the intriguing account, wondering where this spontaneous decision might lead.

With a mixture of curiosity and excitement, I send a friend request to the intriguing account, wondering where this spontaneous decision might lead

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Ronan's Pov :

Dragging my feet home after a boring day at college, I bid farewell to my friends as they drop me off near my house.

I say,
"Chalo bhailog, kal milte hain!!!"

I call out, promising to meet them again tomorrow. With a heavy sigh, I trudge up the steps and enter my empty house, the weight of monotony settling on my shoulders.

Flopping down onto the sofa, finally ready to unwind after a tiresome day.I close my eyes, hoping to catch a quick nap and escape the dreariness of the day.

I close my eyes, hoping to catch a quick nap and escape the dreariness of the day

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Just as I start to drift off, a notification jolts me awake.

Fumbling for my phone,
I see the message:

"You have received a friend request from 'no_way'."

My brows furrow in confusion as I use every cell of my brain, trying to recall who this person could be with a kitty profile picture and the name "no_way."

Curiosity getting the better of me, I decide to accept the request, wondering what could prompt someone with such a peculiar username to reach out to me. With a sense of anticipation, I await the reply, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the screen.

As the seconds tick by, I find myself consumed by a mounting sense of anticipation, wondering what the future holds now that I've accepted the mysterious friend request. Thoughts swirl in my mind like a whirlwind, each one more tantalizing than the last. Will this lead to a new friendship, or perhaps something more unexpected? The possibilities seem endless, shrouded in the veil of uncertainty.

Narrator's Pov :

Before they know it, time flies by, leaving both Ronan and the mysterious "no_way" aka Aiza in a state of eager anticipation, waiting for the other to break the silence.
In separate corners of the digital world, their screens illuminate with the promise of a potential connection, each heartbeat echoing the suspense that hangs in the air. With every passing moment, the tension builds, drawing them closer together yet keeping them tantalizingly apart.

What will their conversation reveal?

What secrets lie dormant, waiting to be unearthed?

Only time will tell as the bonds across borders tighten, weaving a web of intrigue that will shape their destinies in ways they cannot yet fathom.

And with that, the curtains close on this chapter of anticipation and mystery. But fear not, for the tale is far from over.

In the next chapter, titled

"Bonds over Borders"

,the threads of fate draw tighter as Ronan and Aiza inch closer to unraveling the secrets that bind them across digital borders.

Prepare to delve deeper into the enigma that has captivated their curiosity and discover the bonds that transcend distance and time.

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