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So, this is basically a lot of fluff 'cause I couldn't sleep and I hate everything but my imagination at the moment.

I will revise this tomorrow🧚‍♂️



Seonghwa sighs, staring at his bedroom's ceiling.

Once again, the day has been exausting him to no extent.

From their dance practice first thing in the morning followed right after by their vocal practice in which he had to help the other younger members to take care and not strain themself, to Wooyoung and Yeosang bickering to decide on what they would eat for dinner.

Talking to Jongho to understand why he was so out of it lately and discovering the younger's crush for Yeosang.

Helping Yunho when his hand got stuck -he doesn't even want to ask how- in one of the chairs in the meeting right after lunch.

Cuddling Mingi when the younger came knocking on his door just half an hour earlier because he couldn't sleep.

Not to mention his constant worry for the other eldest of the group.

It may not look like it, but Hongjoong is the one that actually contributes the most in his exaustion. Because worrying for him is -and will forever be- the thing that worns him out the most.

Their leader, only a few months younger than Seonghwa himself, of course helps him a lot in taking care of the others members, but he was and is never able to take care of himself.

Always overworking himself, practicing even after everyone else has left the room, staying late at his studio, sometimes even until the morning.

That's what happened today too.

Right after their meeting Hongjoong went off mumbling something along the lines of 'I have to finish a track' and he hasn't come back since.

The feelings he has been harbouring for the younger since forever do not help at all.

Seonghwa shoots a glance at the digital clock on his bedside table and sighs once again, the numbers casting a fleble glow on the surface all around in and showing a bright '23:56'.

He picks up his phone from beside the clock and unlocks it, staring at his contact list until he finally presses on Hongjoong's name.

The phone rings once, twice, and then Hongjoong picks up from the other line.

"Hey Hwa, is everything alright?"

Another sigh.

"It's almost midnight, Joong"

A few seconds of silence followed. Seonghwa removes the device from his ear to see if he has accidentally ended the call, but Hongjoong's voice reaches him once again.

"Shit– I didn't notice. I'm coming back now. Thanks."

The soft beep from his phone signals the actual end of the call, and Seonghwa finds himself running a hand through his hair.

Is it really that much to ask?

Is it wrong of him to be wanting to be the one taken care of for once?

Be the one who doesn't have to care about whether everyone around him is getting along nicely or not, or that could whine to someone because he wants to eat a specific food when someone else disagrees. And maybe be the one being cuddled.

𝑬𝒙𝒉𝒂𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 | SeongJoongWhere stories live. Discover now